im gonna dance myself into labor

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Right now! I atleast got a tiny nap but i feel like i need to start labor now bc today is the start of his eviction process


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  • he is gonna be a week late! :D
  • Iv done EVERYTHING today, iv been having contractions all day!! Iv tryed a spicy dinner, sex, walking, hot shower & now im bouncing on my yoga ball! And as I type, iv had two contractions in 3 minutes!
  • Lol
    I gotta get some energy first but they already told me they wont let me go pass my due date sooo let me just help them out lol
  • Wahhjhhh i wish i still had our big ball your lucky for ur contractions i havnt experienced not one ugh!
  • My dr said thy don't do anything unill 41 weeks. And im 38+5 days. && mommy can't wait anymore!
  • Why wont they do anything???
  • My dr will induce at 39 weeks if everything looks good.. This is my third and I want to go into labor on my own this time.. Good luck hun
  • See i wanted him to come on his own but he is causing me bodily harm so ive read him his eviction papers lol
  • Lmbo.. When are you due?
  • Idk, that's what my doctor said. && she hasn't checked if I was dialated yet.
  • Im due may 23rd and they havnt checked me either...the nerve of these drs..
  • Right! Lol so weird. Im due in 9 days
  • 9 days! And she trying to make you go longer!? Imma kick her in her knee cap for u lol i have 14 days bt everyone says i wont make it
  • I know, I don't like my dr very much. But I guess its too late to switch lol.
  • riight! i was feeling the same way and i still feel that way i hate my dr...
  • Oh gosg Iam due next Tuesday and I can't wait not dialted yet as of last week. But I hope my som surprises me!
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  • lmao whether he like it or not he is coming out of here lol
  • I've been having contractions ALL day and cramping but they aren't strong enough or close enough. I'm gonna try to rest and walk see if I can get this going. I did a lot of cleaning and walking over the weekend so hopefully it made me dilate.
  • Ok.. hate to kill the convo but i was due last Saturday.. and I've been doing evvvvverything.. lots of sex, acupuncture, epo for two weeks, raspberry leaf pills for 3 weeks, I just started black cohosh on Saturday but I have yet to get blue cohosh.. mild contractions but I think they were stronger before I bothered doing all this lol.. eww I'm so ready to meet my baby! Good luck to all you ladies I hope these things work for you..
  • imma go walk tomorrow and see what happens
  • edited May 2011
    what is black cohosh???? @BabyGeesmama2B
  • My midwife said if you take blue cohosh tincture and then take a black cohosh pill it will encourage contractions.. I know its supposed to make them more intense.. its just an herb :)
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  • oooooooooooooooooooooo
  • If u can try swimming and doing the frog legs things right side up.. worked like a charm for me in both my pregnancies.. and the other one I climbed 6 flights of stairs and walked down them.. that kinda wasn't a bad idea except my daughter turned and I had to get a c section.. not fun.. best wishes to you
  • Hmm maybe I need to bust out the whale swimsuit and go to the old Y ;) sexxay
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