I cried this morning when i couldnt fit into any of my trousers

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I tried every single pair of trousers on this morning and nothing would fasten, my only pair left that do fasten were in the wash. I phoned my husband at work and cried, I just couldn't stop, I felt really stupid afterwards. I'm only just approaching 10th weeks but feel so fat. I can't wait until I have an actual bump and don't just look fat! Anyhow, I went shopping this afternoon and bought a couple of new pairs, and they were in the sale so even better. X


  • Don't worry we've all been there and if some haven't they're about too. I'm fine until about 37 weeks and huge and I think my maternity clothes look small on me. But its okay its all worth it in the end.
  • I have a little belly thing that goes over the top of my pants to help them fit longer.:)
  • I use an elastic hair tie and loop it thru the button hole and over the button. Have a hard time finding shirts long enough to cover up my quick fix, though.
  • I'm in the same boat, about to be 10 weeks with no pants to wear lol. I have one pair of jeans I can wear, but they kind of give me a camel toe lmao sorry tmi...I can't wait til I have a bump too :)
  • Oh p.s. leggings are a life saver!!
  • I wear a size7/8 jeans in juniors and I don't outgrow them until about 25 weeks. But I guess I'm lucky. I'm 16 weeks right now.
  • @4senough I do the same hairbow trick!! Its a life safer! But I agree w Starr leggings are the best!! I can't wait til I have an actual baby belly instead of just looking heafty.. :/ ha!
  • I cried 2, they fit through my other pregnancies but I got to 22 weeks n they where to tight hiping it cools down cause I only own winter maternity
  • I cried at christmas. I got three beautiful shirts, none of which fit me. It was horrible. I absolutely feel your pain hun.
  • All mine are getting tight now too so, gonna use everyone's leggings trick I think :-) 9weeks at the mo so not told folk yet. Will start getting obvious in no time. Don't remember bulking out this early on last two times :-S! Sure I didn't show until at least 12-13wks??!! X
  • I'm 9 weeks also and just startnig to bust out of my pants. I'm sure it's just bloating at this point, but hate it! Will feel better after I have a real baby bump. I sooo need to buy some leggings, but decent ones that I can wear to work, with a long shirt to cover.
  • I am a size 6 and am only at week 5 and my pants are already not fitting!! I seriously thought I was just metal but I am really having a hard time. I already have a pooch!! Is this normal so early?
  • Struggling with the work clothes thing!! Wear a uniform and because I've not announced yet, haven't asked for larger sizes. My zip fasten up half way and unfortunately can't use the hair bobble trick as no button and hole! Luckily, the tunic is long enough to cover the gape for the moment but my books are literally trying to escape through the button up :-S ...people HAVE noticed!!! Still trying to pass it off as Christmas weight! Haha, which I guess it is from my calculations!!!
  • books?! Boobs! Predictive text ;-) x
  • @ncblink. I think its just how your body deals with pregnancy. some pad out (me) to help protect, and others still look regular with 2weeks to go (lucky!!!) this one is different you other two already. I didn't start showing until later on with my lil boy nut, gosh did I make up for it once I did!! The size of a house!! :-) kinda liking this early showing tho.... seems a lot more real now :-)
  • Yoga pants r comfy to.
  • Thanks ladies, feel a bit better now. I had a look at a pregnancy bump gallery on a website last night and saw the many different bumps at different weeks. I can't wait to have a real bump that I can proudly show off x
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