Postpartum infection? please help :(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone gotten an infection down south after birth? Something is going on and it definitely doesn't seen normal. I'm calling my doctors first thing in the morning, but i was just wondering if anyone else who has had one could describe some signs and symptoms....:((


  • I got an infection after delivery. I didn't have any signs though and it developed into PID and I was put in ICU. So yes, contact your doc asap.
  • Oh my I'm sorry. I just had a baby two weeks ago and am curious to what u may be talking about?
  • I've had a fever for five days and they said it was just engorgement, but now my discharge has a weird smell (TMI and so embarrassing) and I'm swollen all of a sudden.
  • Could you call your OB shouldn't have a fever that long!!
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