easy mac salt n vinegar lays and cookies anyone else eating like me?

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Welp apparently today is the start of my crazy combinations! :)


  • Ranch dip, bbq chips, cinnastix, and steak.

  • Lol ewww no. I'm 12 weeks and really have no crazy cravings like that
  • Lol @morganpatrice you got morning sickness?
  • Lol! I had steak n cake last night
  • Not as bad as it was. I can actually eat now I lost a lot of weight because I could barely eat.
  • @nae my husband made me eat broccoli, brown rice, and grilled chicken :( so I have to pigg out while he is at work.
  • @morganpatrice lol nevermind....I was about to say let's switch symptoms but ill keep my cravings. LOL
  • Lol I would rather have crazy cravings instead of being sick.
  • Lol! Mine too he made me cooked broccoli n grilled wings instead of fried and he limits my salt n sugar intake he's a freakin food Nazi!!!
  • Newmommy has had a very interesting pregnancy according to pregly I enjoy reading ur topics lmbo
  • edited February 2011
    @nessas_ttc THANK YOU! Yah girl I gotta make this fun bc if not I wouldn't be digging this pain. Lol the funny thing is I'm only 6 almost 7 weeks.
  • @nae mine is too! Doesn't help he is a military juice head....makes me work out double time. It doesn't help I coach so I'm always like extra tired. LOL but can't help but love him.
  • I love kettle cooked salt n vinegar!! Like cape cod chips!! Yummmm!!!
  • Right they're so cute when they're over protective about their soon to be kids!
  • I have not tried those yet but sounds good
  • @nae Yah I just hope he stays this concerned when its time to change diapers.
  • My man keeps bringing me home brownies with frosting and sprinkles
  • So my lunch consisted of pizza ranch munchies and choc chip mini gradnma cookies haha and im still snacking on the munchies lol! And new mommy I will follow u after I have my baby too lol I love reading you post alot make me giggle lol
  • I know right we've already established that he's definitely changing the first few poppy diapers :)
  • And then I took my cookies to the bath with me haha soaking eaiting choc chip cookies isn't so bad!
  • @rissalee7 count your blessings, my husband treats me like a junkie! Lol he refuse to support my cravings

    @babymaxisontheway thanks bunches! I have a mind full of crazy thoughts! LOL

    @nae Yah.....my husband is taking leave just so he can be on diaper duty.
  • :) I just look at him n smile because the poor guy had no idea what he's in for
  • Lol newmommy I am pretty lucky he doesn't even laugh att me when I proceed to eat half of them att one time I just think hes happy im eating b4 getting prego I only ate one meal a day if that
  • Omg, i have morning (scratch that off) all day sickness, i try to eat something and cant keep it in! I have a really bad taste on my mouth and even if i wash it it wont go away! I try eating saltines and didnt work, but i have my pretzels next to me! Its helping me out!
  • Lol I'm so excited though
  • @valeria449 do you know what the sex of your baby is?
  • I still dont know!! Im 11weeks pregnant! Mom had 4 boys and two girls and what ive heard from her pregnancys boys are much easier while pregnant than girls. But she did had morning sickness, on the boys but not as bad as with me and my sister! I dont know it might have something to do with the sex of the child or might be the mommy since every pregnancy is different! Im dying to know the sex but i will have to wait till the ultrasound!
  • Lol as soon as I get 10 weeks I'm getting an intelligender
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