National guard?
some of you might read my latest post about the national guard. My husband re enlisted for five more years and did so without discussing with me but I understand why he did it, to secure us in our future and our little soon to be family. So my question is should I still be a little sad that I can't say he is coming home for sure cause everytime I think of it, it just makes me get all teary
oh well, I'm petty sure it we be all ok. Havent seen his goober butt for the longest time and he is suppose to come back in 2 weeks, which he still his but gotta go back in july. So little time to spend... Just needed to vent sorry ladies. He is coming out from the army to the National Guard.

@xxallyxx so how long do you stay to get deployed?
@kehau1 he is currently in OK, lawton fort sill. Just came back from his deployment.