could it be , that i am ?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So about a week an a half ago . I tested negative & the fact that I'm 4 days late and I have to pee every morning now , which is weird . I took another test and a very light red line popped up and a super dark red one . But you can barely see the light red line . So pregnant or now ? I'm very anxious right now !


  • Pregnant!! Happened to me and over time the line kept getting darker I'm almost 6weeks now. If its light or not its still a line which means your still giving off the pregnant horomone. Soo congrats!!
  • My first test was very faint bought a digital the next day to be sure now im 10 weeks
  • Yes ma'am, congrats :) you are just barely prego which is why the other line was so faint.
  • So if I were to take another later , it'll be the same .
  • or get darker ?
  • Yes, u r pregnant! Congrats! Same happen to me and just to be sure i took a digital one also said pregnant
  • If you were to take another one in like two days it will get darker cuz your hcg will be higher. But you'll most likely get the same results if you take another today
  • Congratulations honey, you're pregnant!
  • Thanks everyone for your feedback , appreciate . So what now ?! I think I'm going to take 3 more to be sure .

    @MrsHudson10 @andrea1stbaby @valeria449 @mommyof2naugust @eaparker
  • Call your doc & tell them you got a positive at home pregnancy test & you need to schedule a pregnancy confirmation appt. Congrats again hun! :)
  • You are pregnant!!! I had a faint line with my sons pregnancy and now with my daughters pregnancy. Good luck with everything!!
  • Yep, same here... very faint line at about 4 weeks... confirmed w/ my doc the next day... now I'm 17w2d & feeling the baby! :D congrats, hon!
  • A line is a line, no matter how faint it is! It means that there is enough HcG hormone to produce one. It happened to me & a few days latet it was confirmed @ the docs. Congrats!
  • You are pregnant happen to me. If you go to the doctor tell them you want a blood test so you know for sure
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