Any bipolar moms?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm bipolar and not on any meds since I heard I was pregnant. Its been about a little less than two months. I haven't had any severe mood swings even with all the hormones. Although I'm still getting depressed.

I was just wondering if there are any more moms dealing with the same. Also how do you deal and how do you prepare for the effect after labor when all the hormones go away and you run a high risk of post pardom depression or evev pyschosis?


  • Im bipolar and stopped all of my meds as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I feel like I get angry easier and I am definitely depressed at times. But it is manageable. I don't want to take meds that could harm the baby. I would rather suffer thru the depression. I am also concerned about post partum depression symptoms. I am just taking it one day at a time. Good luck sweety and if u ever need to talk with someone who understands....u can always hit me up. :)
  • I don't have meds for bipolar but I did for anxiety and read I am also very prone to post part. Depression. I get sad a lot, but after I cry in a hot bath or shower I am ok. My Dr was very helpful and said if I can handle it this far (24) weeks then I should be fine til birth. Then after I can get on my meds and be fine :) I also have ADD and that has been hard dealing with!
  • I'm bipolar. I was on 60mg of celexa a day. I'm 5 weeks now and been off them for 3. So far I'm not experiencing any symptoms. With bipolar u could go months w/o an episode so don't worry. Hopefully the excitment of the baby will keep us up and chipper!
  • Its so good to here from other bipolar moms!

    I also try to take it one day at a time, and crying does help when I'm feeling down. I'm terrified of post pardom but I'm trying to keep my hopes up.

    I do wish the best for all of us.
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