Any Moms Know Any Inducing Labor Solutions

Well I'm 36 weeks & on my 37th or 38th weeks I want to start inducing labor my doc said primrose softens the cervix but I want to know from youz moms experiences on how how you started your labor & what happened while you were home


  • Ugh nothing is working for me. I went today n im only 1.5 cm and 50% I even spent an entire day walkin up n down hills all that did was make me loose a,lb...plz if u figure something out tell me my dr wont enduce until im farther dialated but hes concerned w her size :(
  • I can tell u in the past 2 week$ ive tried walking, galloping, jumping, running, hot food, nipple stimulation, stretching in down there, squatting, being frightened, crying ,laughing, blowing up baloons, dancing n orgasm, good luck do post if something works though
  • hahaha i am also trying to find a solution to hurry this process up I am so ready to have her
  • Nothing has worked for me either I wil ne 39weeks tmrw
  • Urghhhh.. I did walk I had mad contractions I got scared cause no one was around just in case it gt intense so they could call my mom phone and tell her to take me to the l&d so I stopped; imma try jumping jacks
  • Castrol Oil! Worked with both my kids and my sister did it two weeks ago! I woke up that morning saying forget it this lil girl is coming, made my mom go get me castrol oil around 3 in the afternoon and I drunk the whole bottle...I was on the toilet all day but around 1am I started having bad back pains! I went in to labor and delivery around 6am and I was dilated to 4! I had my baby at 7:27pm on her due date! Same thing with my sister!
  • Imma try castor oil!
  • I have a friend who just had a baby 2 weeks ago she said shem drank a small shot off castor oil and it put her in labor 2hours later . She said its harmless bcuz thats her 4th child and she didnt the castor oil with each one off them. The only thing is that she said it makes u dilate quickly so uon might not have a chance to get an epidural if any of uon had planed on getn one ..
  • I want to try it sooo bad but i get scared lmao but i want her out already im just scared it will only give me the runs and im scared it tastes nasty
  • Yeah I plan to have epidural
  • While castor may work for some women, it's not a guarantee. You also run the risk of severely dehydrating yourself which will not do you or baby any good while you're in labor. Even though they give you iv fluids, would you really want to start labor and be sick from dehydration at the same time?

    There are pressure points that can cause contractions. One of them is about 4 finger widths from the bone on the inside of the ankle. I'm sure you could google some others. Good luck. :)
  • I walked up 7 flights of stairs non stop and then back down again.. I went from 2cm to 6cm and had her that night.. I also went swimming using the frog type swim rights side up or doggy paddle and my water broke the next night was in l&d within 24 hrs and had my baby the next day... also vaccuuming can help or sex.... goodluck to all the soon to be mommies...
  • vaccuming aye, well I gotta do that n e way lol
  • I wouldn't rush things, 37 wks is not even close to over due. Docs and ultrasounds r not precise methods of estimated due dates. In fact less than 5% of babies r born on their dates. I hope u can tolerate being pregnant for a couple more wks so as to not risk ur baby being born early with respiratory problems. And ask ur doc before going ahead with anything.
    That said, I'll tell u the safe methods I have read about there r lots of them! Castor oil is severely dehydrating. Sex with orgasm, lots of walking, hot baths, red raspberry leaf tea, accupunture & accupressure (by a professional), hydrating fluids, Squats, nipple stimulation by hand or with a breast pump, spicy food and lots of rest. Hang in there, its worth the wait.
  • @babyrosalee I went to the docs yesterday & my doc said it was ok to start inducing labor the baby is healthy & fine ! Trust me I woudn't try any home remedies if my baby was n't fully full term... Bt she told me about massaging the back of my ankle its a pressure point for contractions & to use primrose to soften my cervix
  • That's good u n doc r on top of things. Hope u have an awesome labor and delivery experience. I did with my first!
  • I'm excited & anxious!
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