Google b natal. It's a sucker for morning sickness. Hey actually helped me. With my first child I had all day every day sickness till the day I had her. It was awful.
I know that feeling.. I had hypermemosis and they prescribed me with phenergin orsome medicine which I turned out allergic tooo.. I think the only thing that helped me was this shot they gave me.. it helped and I was normal a week later
@charliebby1116... I know the feeling not so great at all.. I think they gave me a shot of progestrian in my butt... lol... and gave me some medicine... lol.. it worked a lot better and I ate small amounts... sometimes they recommend vitamins that helps as well.. I'm sorry ur feeling this way and I hope you get better sweetie..
@1stWoodsBaby ugh its the worst like right when you think your fine kablumee your sick again xc meeeep