if your vagina could talk what would she say ???

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
... i'm tired and need a break, can you tell the one eyed funky looking animal to leave me alone please??? is he aware that in just a couple months i will be popping out a bowling ball from my teeny girlish figure and will probably never be as ity bity or as tight as i am now? grrr


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  • in a parched australian accent my vagina would be saying "feeeeeeeeed meeee! heeeeellllllpppp! neeeeeddd actionnnn! Im suffocating down here!"
  • @richjen24 i will going through a vbac this time around and to be honest im not concerned with the labor but with the case of starting natural then having to have the c section. i will be s.o.l then i will hurt in my coo-ka and my tummy, this just happened to my sister last month.
  • It's says"hahaha you can't see me"
  • @sunshinelove I'm in the sake boat. My vag is screaming FEED ME. or die. Lol.
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  • My would be saying.. you don't give me no action but speculums and drs gloved fingers .. wtf!! So now im going to hide from you and turn into teen wolf.
  • Mine would say "do you like my haircut? Ill do anything for a little attention."
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  • "So you don't want to lose me, but you give me ZERO action??!!! Bitch!" X(
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  • shave me please!!
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  • @everyone you guys are too funny! Right now mine is saying stop wearing regular clothes I'm sufficating down here bitch... can you even see what you're doing to me?... no cause you can't see me anymore!
  • @excitedforbaby thats hilarious!! haha
  • mine is saying.. hey lady just because he thinks its weird doesnt mean you need to suffer too... and you realize its summer right whats with the fur coat!!!
  • I want the big O I want the big O
  • edited May 2011
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  • Mine is sayin wtf,,, u created a baby but how come my friend cant come over and play,, hello how do u think u got ur baby I had fun,, so whats the deal im lonely ,,,,i need a friend not some dam toy....lol,,, ,
    Sorry hubby wont give it up no more hes mean
  • Mine would say... chica look what you got us into. What were we thinking .. when's our next playdate?
  • Mine would say something like.... why me?????????
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  • "Listen lady, just go natural!!! You don't know what you're doing with.that razor anymore, and I can't take anymore razor burn!!!!"
  • I dont even think mine would want to talk to me!
  • Mine would tell my kids to go to bed early so that it could have some alone time with its hubby... Ahhh they just don't go it bed it is driving me crazy.
  • Mine would say"why are u having me go through this im i really going to open that much im i really going to tear? Im scared! "
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