breast feeding or formula?

I know they say breast feeding is the best for babys but I know its overwelming to always watch your diet I'm still deciding which way to go what does everyone think?


  • Well breast milk is defiantly the best place to get what they need, its not just nutrients its the antibodies you make to strengthen their immune system. Maybe try both if your concerned. You could always mix the two together.
  • I started out nursing my son, but became overwhelmed after a few weeks. I was still having a hard time dealing with my sisters death (she passed 10 weeks before he was born) and his latch was not enjoyable, he drew blood. He wouldn't stay on, he would latch and release then cry. They thought perhaps my milk was coming out too fast for him. By the end of the 3rd week, I had had enough. The doctor reassured me that my son would rather be formula fed with a happy mommy than to be breastfed with a miserable one. :)
  • My mom wants me to brestfeed so bad but I'm having second thoughts because one slip up in your diet can cause problems like I heard eating broccoli makes the baby constipated. Or what if I don't produce enough milk I'm starting to think I might breastfeed until I'm off maternity leave then start the formula
  • I wanted to breastfeed but when I had him I had no support my bf & his mom didnt agree with it & my mom lives out of town me being a ftm I was scared so o just formula feed he is 3wks tom & fatter & healthier than ever & im happy to
  • I wanted to breast feed but I didnt even get to hold him till 24 hrs after he was born bc I was preeclamptic and the drugs they made him a little drugged up.
  • Im going to breastfeed. Im pretty determined to go through with it. Wish me luck
  • its not that big of a deal the diet thing.. lol.. i breast fed my first two and i will breast feed this one.. i will say that Mylicon gas relief for infants is a life saver.. and its safe and all natural.. breast feeding or not your baby is going to get gassy lol.. so do what feels right.. of course im going to breast feed this one.. i love it.. and it helped me loose my baby weight really fast and i gained 60lbs.. by the time my son was 4 !/2 months i lost it all.. just do your research... and get as much support as you can if you plan.. i will say it was so much easier the second time cause i had more support and more knowledge..
  • Im determined to atleast try breast feeding but its not for everyone. Just do whats right for you, its your decision and your body so at the end of the day you shouldnt let anybody influence you or judge you on your choice. As long as you and baby arte healthy n happy nothing else matters :)
  • No no no, thats no true that eating broccoli can get them constipated, it is pretty much impossible for a breastfed baby to get constipated. formula fed babies on the other hand can become constipated because of all that iron in it. breastfeeding is what I choose but it depends on who it is/ problems etc.. Id say try to breastfeed first and switch if its not working
  • Your diet has nothing to do with whether the baby gets constipated or don't have to be on a specific diet.
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  • I'm going to breast feed I'm just afraid that he wont get enough so I'm going to pump and if I really don't lactate then I'll turn to pre-made milk.
  • My son is almost 2 weeks & im doin the brestfeeding-pumping-formula kinda feeding, only because im not producing enough milk, its hard for meto pump a full bottle ( I only have a manual pump tho. )

    My final preg. Weight was 230. Now almost 2 weeks later im 195!! BUT I was induced due to preeclampsia. I was sooo swollen, they couldn't even find a pulse in my foot.
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