Loosing Extra Fat...

edited May 2011 in Health
How could you loose that fat hanging from your arms or those bags on your sides? Like the type of exercise I should do or type of food I should eat...


  • I tried doing push ups and side brunches but started to get contractions and almost getting sick. I suggest walking though :)
  • Isn't it bad to do push-ups thoo? /:
  • @MommyClaudiaaaa try light weight for arms or use a big can of canned sauce as weights. For ur sides if u have a medicine ball or a three pd object... sit on the floor and have the item behind ur back reach ur arms around and pick the object up twisting to ur other side to drop it off. U can do this with someone back to back switching off the object. That helps ur sides.. I hope u understand what I mean.
  • Try 15x for each side
  • @jess8d Thanks! :D And yes I do understand. I'm gonna go buy one of those balls this week! Haha. Can it be any object?
  • @MommyClaudiaaa yes it can be an object. If u can. Fill a old coffee canister can or a stuffed animal.. or if u have a 5 pd weight laying around.
  • Very helpful :D
  • edited May 2011
    Yea..i have a pregnancy workout video and she does push ups..so it should it fine :)
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