what's going on with my man?!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
so I wanna knw whats going on with my man. before I was pregnant I was the one wanting to have sex 24/7, since we've found out that I'm pregnant I can't keep my man off me!!! why does he want me more now?


  • it turns on some men when your pregnant. my husband is that way. makes them feel all manly for getting their woman pregnant i guess :)
  • ^ yea agree they love how the va jay jay feels lol
  • My bf and I have certain days we have sex now because he can't stay off of me either and now I just don't like sex because I'm getting big and uncomfortable and I'm now 26 weeks so he's ready for our little girl to come so things can go back to "normal" lol its soooo funny because I can wear some shorts and he get super horny ;)
  • Lol =P~ < dats how they get lmfao.
  • My bf use to be all over me now he dont want it.as much..my friend said sinse im preg with.a boy the men get more symtoms,,,which he does...but what do yall think
  • omg me too. if I go to bed in pj pant he'll ask me to change into shorts. I can't keep his hands off my butt n boobs. I feel like a fat tard most of the day till he gets out of work, I guess all the attention makes me feel sexy so im not complaining :">
  • @babyluv_3 I dnt knw what im having but my man is convinced it's a boy......makes him feel macho I guess lol
  • Mines.does the same slappin my butt n loveable n kisses n grabin my boobies but just dont want sex all the time..i know 4 sure.he aint cjeatin he goes to work n home n i keep the car so i pick him up plus.he.works woth.most my family.
  • Its the va jayjay. Its tigher for them so they want it more. My bfs the same way but I'm not tryna hear it. Sometimes I think he's only in my uterus n god that shit hurts like hell. And the most messsed up part is that the first 5/10 mins it hurts like hell and by the time I get into it, if I do get into it, he's done. Talkin bout some it snaps back. Well fool damn
  • I know what you mean! It's always been me who is bugging my partner for sex, and now he can't keep his hands off me. I still love having sex with him, but it's hard for me to keep up because I'm getting big and everything aches, I'm 33 weeks pregnant now. Plus, all these extra hormones and that are making it far too enjoyable too quickly! LOL. But it's nice that he is still interested and he's understanding if it's not comfortable, I prefer it to him being not interested in me. :)
  • I love the fact that he wants me....I'm just not feeling the positions he wants...HELLO I HAVE A MELON SIZE BUMP ON MY BELLY....I CAN'T BE FLAT ON MY STOMACH, I DON'T CARE IF U LIKE GRABBING MY BOOTIE!!!! (sorry if that's tmi)
  • Because ur beautiful and maternal
  • @mzgarcia not at all. Lmao He likes doggystyle cuz my butt actually attacks him back but I can't do it cuz it hurts like crazy. Its either missionary or on my side. Nd even then he gotta be quick
  • I hear you@sheridan. He tells me all the time that I'm sexy as hell, he loves me but damn I feel like a fatty. Lol. But its better that he wants me than some other chick. My butt is his new best friend
  • And not in the nasty way either. He just loves that it finally moves. Lmao if he smacks my butt it smacks him back now. Finally. Had to wait 22 yrs for some ass
  • my husband isturned on by pg bellys and i think his hormones are getting to be funny now too since im pg
  • well ladys I guess we just gotta love our rounder "sexier" bodys like our men do lol.
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