I'm soooo f'n pissed!!!! ( pretty long vent) sorry. had to get it off my chest

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I have a neice that i always babysit for like 4 to 5 days at a time. her mother is young and i love my neice dearly and my brother is locked up so i try to keep an open relationship between him and his daughter as well. but i figure i am helping her out by giving her mom a break from time to time aslo i have 3 sons so i kinda look at her the daughter i always wantd. she is 3 years old. so to make a long story short,,, i had her over for like 5 days and she was outside in the yard playing with my sons and scratched both her arms, she plays really rough but i called her mother immediately and told her what happened also she kept peeing on herself, she would be outside playing and 2 seconds after i asked her did she have to potty she would say no and be wet. so of course i put her in the tub and changed her clothes. I washed all her clothes twice since she had been here. i informed her mother of this too. so her mom comes to pick her up and the next day i have a missed call from her, im trying to call her back but got no answer, so i tried to reach her on facebook. She posted some BS about me on facebook concerning my neice. she wrote... I cant stand trifflin ass bitches ughhh go kill urself the world would be a better place without u. we wont miss u and that she so wanted to choke someone.... So someone asked her what was wrong and she responded... My daughter just came home from her aunts house and she is all scratched up and her new polo sneakers are dirty and her clothes are stained and i cant get the stains out and she was hungry, her aunt didnt feed her nothing but breakfast and junk food and she has arash on her leg cause her aunt let her pee on herself constantly and she said her her aunt wasnt watching her cause she was playing in the street. I was like WTF???


  • Wow!! That's NUTS! did u respond?
  • O wow out the kindness of ur heart u keep her for days at a time, treat her like ur own nd this is the thanks u get?... Sheesh that girl needs a reality check for life that's is f'd up. Nd of course she would b young onli young minded ppl go nd post shit like that so the world can c it. So what r u going to du? Im pretty sure ur neice will b asking for u in a couple days.....
  • Oh hell no.....i would respond and say "if you feel I take such bad care of her then you step up and be a mom and stop leaving your baby for days at a time with other ppl." Nah she would get her ass beat.
  • i responded in her inbox, not on her post because i felt like me and her had a better relationship than that. i went off on her at first but then after talking to my husband i just let her know that I loved my neice as if she were my own, I always have for a long time my neice thought i was her mother. she called me mom. and that when my neice is here that i let her play and that she is playing with 3 older boys and she plays rough and as far as her clothes that kids r going to get dirty. u dont send a child somewhere with pink sneakers on and expect for them not to get dirty. and that if i would have just let her sit and pee on herself then i would not have washed her clothes twice already. but i told her that my neice couldnt come over here anymore and thats sad because my brother will have no way of seeing how she is doing and now i cant take my neice to go see him, but honestly i dont feel comfortable watching her anymore!
  • She's young minded girl. I know ur upset but don't let it stress u,u have ur own children to worry about. So since ur such a "bad aunt " let ha do ha own. She'll realize what hole she put ha self in . Uve done more then enough. Ur the aunt n have that bby girl more then ha own mother. She childish. Ur a great aunt
  • She will remember all dis wen she need a 4-5 day break ugh young females kill me. Im young but damn u don't treat ppl like that exspecially someone who is helping u out. I jus feel bad for the child nd i would feel real uncomfortable too. Now u don't know wat she says behind ur back.
  • I stayed up til 5am last night stressing over that BS. and i still havent ate anything. she said that my 3 year old neice said that i wasnt watching her cause she was playing in the street and how she is going to take her daughters word over anyone else's... I explained to her that u have to listen to ur children but u take what they say with a grain of salt and u always investigate beacause at times kids fabricate things. amy own children do.. But i live on a main street and i dont even let my own sons go out on the porch unless i am sitting out there with them, i do let them play in the yard though because i can look right at them through my kitchen window while i am cooking. my boys r 6, 9 and 13. But i was so hurt behind this.
  • edited May 2011
    Man things like this piss me off! Ppl got the nerve to bite the hand that is helping them!

    And anybody with sense know that nice shoes are only worn when going out...so she shouldve sent her with play shoes.

    You are not a bad aunt...you were letting kids be kids. Its sad that your niece is gonna have to miss out bc her momma ain't got her shit together.

    I'm angry for you.
  • Next time you watch her for 4-5 days straight, record it. & call the people on her. She's a poor excuse for a mom. If she leaves her kid for a weeks straight all the time!
  • I mean me and this girl have always been cool, whenever she needs me i am always right there. Her and my brother had a rocky relationship and i always kept it real with her about my brother and even put my brother in check for her whenever he was wrong. I have always told her my honest opinion and been there for her to give advice on anything i know that would help her and my neice out. I even took her to the abortion clinic last year and missed worked because she didnt want anyone in her family to know that she was pregnant again and she was embarasssed. I mean im not for abortions but i was there to support and she didnt know who the father of the baby was. But i'm just like wow. If i was a tack head i would have went to her house and beat her ass god knows i wanted to. I always buy my neice clothes when i see something cute for her when im out, I call her mother at the spur of the moment like ok get her dresed i'll take her for a few days. I have never watched her for less that 3 days at a time!!!! I just let her know that she burned her bridge with me! And to top it all off while i was babysitting my neice i had a prenatal appointment and of course i took my neice with me, my boys were inschool but noooooo i took my lil neicey poo with me and i found out that i am already 2 centimeters dialated and had to have 2 shts of steroids to help my babies lungs because the docs know that she will come early they just cant pinpoint when and they put me on strict bedrest. I am only 24 wks and 4 days. but i didnt even call her mother to pick her up after finding out that, i still kept her and played with her and chased her around outside and everything. I'm soo f'n pissed at her mother!!!!!
  • edited May 2011
    Ughh yeah no more b n nice, F*** that girl (not ur neice nd excuse my language) i can't stand stuff like this. Nd ur already 2 centimeters!!!!!!! I jus hate to think about who will b watching ur neice now wen she need a lil break
  • @MommieTwice she always leaves my neice with her grandmother. and her granmother is goingthrough her own shit herself. I mean she does go to school for medical assistant and she just started an internship that is why I always went to bat for her and was in her corner cause i saw her trying to make something of herself but for her to go and do this really struck a nerve with me. My neice cusses like a sailor at the age of 3 because of her grandma, she is also very fast... I mean my sons godfather stopped by and she was all in his lap, also while sitting on the porch my neighbor sat on the porch for a minute and she was all up in his face too. she seems to have no problem with strange men. that bothers me. also she doesnt wipe her self properly. i had to teach her front to back and check behind her. also she tells my 6 yr old son that she loves him and that he is her boyfriend. I'm like WTF! she dances nasty and seductive too. Her mother is going to have quite alot of drama on her hands when she gets older. They let her do anything she wants. I'm sorry but i raise my damn kids. 1 time her mother said she was going to spank her and she told her mother NO you wont you punk ass!!! She doesnt pull that stuff with me, I have never had to spank her but I am stern with her and I do not let her have her way...
  • @MrsMaxwell ur neice wit the STRANGE MEN can b potentially a problem n the long run exspecially when she doesn't mind sitinng nd looking. That's not good at all. Nd her calling her cousin her boyfriend yea that's ridiculous. Yu can tell they let her du ANYTHING by what ur saying. Ughhhhhh that's sad nd she cusses at her mother wow yeah that's not good. Her mom is duin what she needs to du for herself by going to school nd that's all good but daughter letting her daughter go down the wrong path cause no 3yd old should b considered fast by her own aunt. Nd the grandmother isn't making it any better. U should wipe ur hands clean of the situation nd know u did a damn gud job as a aunt nd worry about ur princess now. Nd also let ur brother no what well said nd the situation outcome as well.
  • I am going to let him know the next time he calls, and thanks guys i do feel a bit better it just hurts me to my heart that she wont be able to come over anymore but first and foremost i have to saftey of my sons, because if she is already acting like that and her mother beleives anything that comes out her mouth then all i need is for her mother to imply that one of my touched her or some BS so its a wrap. I have to take it easy with pregnancy anyways and god has finally blessed me with my own lil princess. So it is what it is...
  • Yeah don't want nthn to b said n the wrong way so yeah concentrate on ur life ya neice knows u love her
  • To me, it sounds like maybe there's something going on at home that maybe you don't know about? Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I thought a sign of abuse is when a child will use the bathroom on themselves, even if someone asks them if they need to go. I'm not 100% on this, but I thought i'd suggest it.
  • plase dont get me to thinking like that ^^^^^. Id f around and go crazy. but my neice is really fast u know. and being nurse i do know what u r talking about but i cant do anything to stop it unless i call them people on her and who knows she could end up in a worser situation, but i dont think thats it. i sure as hell hope not. and i do think she is being exposed to too much for a child of her age.
  • That got me thinking...

    My fiancé has a 5 year old daughter from a previous marriage, and she is exposed to A LOT more than any 5 year old needs to be exposed to. Well, like 3 months after her birthday, she started going all over herself, on purpose. My fiancé talked to her about it, and she said she wanted to be a baby again. I think the stress of being around too many "adult" things got to her. Maybe that's what's up?
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