i feel silly about this...but...(kinda long..)

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
Since late sat night I've been having terrible pains in my groin/vajayjay area. It's not like round ligament pain that I've felt before; that was sudden and ended quickly and was more achy and dull. This brings me to tears sometimes when I walk and causes me to double over, very sharp, and sometimes I feel it radiating up my back. It's not nerve pain as I've had on and off nerve pain for the past 4 years due to herniations in my lower back. No clue what it is, waiting on callback from dr. Wanting some input in the meanwhile cuz they take forever to call back. I'm 24+5 by the way. Sorry so long. :-(


  • Ive been having pains like that as well. but i havent called my doctor yet because they are somewhat bearable. but bf and mom told me i should call because i have a high tolerance for pain so i always brush off things. so let me know what your doctor says and ill have to call mines.. and yes my doc takes forever to call back as well
  • I had those pre prenancy too. We r also the same time prego. I'm 25w2ds lol.. I asked and my doctor couuldnt figure what I was going through. So if u find out let me know..
  • Oh wait sorry I have two days till I'm 26 weeks.. but we r really close.
  • Dr called back and was like drink water and rest. Thanks for nothing, been doing that! Lol but I don't think he was worried bc my next appt is Tuesday and baby's moving/no bleeding or discharge. I know your pelvic bones will shift some, but I thought that was more towards the end of pregnancy. My bf suggested that bc I told him it feels like someone's ripping my pelvis apart when I walk. Idk..no help from me or the dr!! Sorry gals. @dutchiimom @ahendricks09
  • Grr I hate the pain lol .. im gonna call my doc and see bt she always says everything is normal. Bt ill try im feeling it now had to sit down smh thanks tho =) all the stuff that comes with being preg
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