HELP!! high blood pressure???? :S

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Im currently 21 weeks pregnant, Recently i have been having a few "funny turns"...they seem to happen randomly, sometimes when im just stood, or even when im sitting down and have been for a while, im confused wether its just the change in hormones or i could be suffering from high or low blood pressure..

Symptoms i have:

Bad headaches,
Blured/darkening vision,
Chest pain (tight feeling),
fast hearbeat and shortness of breath

When i have these turns these are the symptoms which i get, i think ive wrote them all up..
Please if anyone has any idea what it could be, please let me know :)
Gonna check with my GP tomoz, to make sure everythings ok.


  • yes I get headaches and can't think straight u should be tested for preclamsia if ur vision is leaving and if u r swelling
  • im not really swelling tho..:/ but the other morn i woke to find my right hand had a lil bit but id slept with my watch and a bobble on that wrist, so that may have caused that..not sure tho
  • Ivee been feeling exactly the same.. I'm only 14w so imma call my Dr cuz it worries me a lot
  • @happiestmommietobe I had it happen once when i was about 14 weeks, but it never happened since until recently, i dont see the midwife for 3-4 more weeks so im calling the doctor tomoz and getting an appointment, hope you'll be ok!
  • I had preeclampsia i would go in and get checked to b safe because its no joke I had my.bp go all the way to 320/69 at 4 months I was in strict bed rest I had two options move our my 3 rd story apartment n live with someone that is basically gonna take care of me or stay in the hospital....... I had a nurse coming 3 times a weeks to check on me thank goodness I ain't got it this round but what your experiencing are the beginning symptoms go het checked hunny cause they can also just ) regular prego symptoms except the vision change....
  • @vayanna Oh my! i will definatly get checked out then, my lack of vision only happens now and again, but these last two days my shortness of breath when im sat down is getting bad, i hope everythings ok. At my last midwife appointment at 15 weeks she didnt check my blood pressure :/.... im worried now tho incase i ahve as i dont really have anyone to take constant care for me, and i hate the idea of being on my own in hospital day after day :(, thank you for the help tho!
  • I hope you feel better too hun :)
  • Yes please do because I dnt want to scare you far from it but the harsh reality is me n my daughter almost died I had a strict diet I barely ate n by the time I was put in bed rest I had gained a full yerm pregna-cy gained 111 pounds with her went into labor at 34 weeks n she weighed 8.6 pounds to be honest I believe I had getational diabetes to but it came back negative...... Facts are if untreated or in monitored it can cause u to go into a seizure and not to mention become full eclampsia biggest signs they tell you to watch for rapid weight gain, rapid swelling that occurs within a 72 hour period minor swelling is okay that's normal but I went from wearing flip flops n doctor shoes ones with the holes n them to a day a day n a half later they got stuck on my feet from a simple walk to the store n back an it was only two b/oaks away I had the imprint of the holes on my feet n I lost my ankles n the other sign is vision change n sad part is my vision never went back to the same....... If u to to one of those bp monitors in the stow n its 160 through them go in because mine was 320/69 mind u top number is how fast your bloodshed going bottom number is how many times per a minute it valves are opening u can feel when it blood pressure that high u get dizzy light headed n u break out n a cold sweat where you feel so cold but your also feel so hot hated that feeling u can feel it heart litterally racing Luke its about to jump out it chest...... Not trying to scare u but I dnt want to super coat it for the simple fact I know what it feels like n the symptoms of it and if anyone I ran across was feeling that way n I didn't say anything I would feel partially responsible.........
  • @vayanna Im so glad that you and you daughter survived it. Im not going to start worrying until i know if i have it or not. Thank you so much for telling me all this, im so scared incase i do :( all today ive only been sitting on the sofa, my heart starts racing im sweating, skin cold but i feel im burning underneath and my head hurts..which i dont think its normal..*fingers crossed everything will be ok*, agian, THANK YOU!!
  • But the up side is that only about 7% get sever cases of perecclamsia n others get a minor case of it just the high bp n with a less salt intake n a good duet n light cardio u can beat it I just git really unlucky because mine didn't get spotted soon enough I 17 weeks when they caught n by that time it was to late because it started b4 I found out I was even pregnant
  • call your midwife or on n get a sooner appointment or just go in to the er or if u have a walk in wide b good that way u can get a sooner apt.
  • @vayanna im currently 21 weeks, and had it happen once when i was at 14 weeks, but it ddint happen again so i didnt mention it to anyone :/..hope its not too late..
  • @vayanna getting an appointment with my GP asap tomoz and will see what she says
  • oo n cut out the stress no matter who it is I had to cut my daughters dad n my mother out my life for 5 months
  • I totally understand u didn't want to feel crazy for something that could just be nothing
  • @vayanna..well thats my parents out for a while then...
  • iI was the same until after my in diagnosed me I felt so bad for letting the small things that worried but other people where telling me were normal go
  • @vayanna yeh, im definatly going to go, i hope she doesnt rush me to hospital or anything..:S
  • sometimes u have to my mom is the type dnt do this dnt do that Emily u gotta eat more healthy n if I didn't listen she sis argue with ne the more stress it under the higher the bp but like I was saying if u feel something ain't right only u know it body......
  • @vayanna well the last time i tried to tell the docs i ahd something wrong they kept telling me i didnt..i insisted having a u/s and they found a cyst on my ovary which is still hopefully if i have something wrong it wont take them weeks to find out
  • No they can do a single bp test n a protein test n sometimes they will do a diabetes test to check that to because unfortunately they have a lot alike characteristic......
  • @vayanna do you know if they get results bk quick for the protein and diabetes tests? my docs have a habit of making u wait ages...:/ lol
  • JJust one thing though if u feel like if gonna pass out n see bright flashing floaters dnt let it go......... go in asap because that is a sure sign or u swell up badly
  • @vayanna when i get most of these symptoms i feel as though i will pass out if i dont sit down, but i dont see bright flashing light, my vision seems to fade to black..
  • iI know the protein test u will get back same day they just make u per in a cup n dip a stick with a yellow pad at the end of it in there if it turns green or orange can't remember which one is for a bladder infection n which is for protein
  • @vayanna ah well then i may take a sample with me in the lil tub i got for my midwife appointmets lol just incase :) well, i shall see what she says, she may call me bk for a blood doctors like to do that even when they dont need to -_- ...
  • Yes that's not good also pain in the upper abdomen under the ribs n nausea the pain sometimes be more located to the right
  • mmy doctor likes to to I be like I already am anemic y u want to take not blood than what u need to Damn I barely got enough for me n my child lol
  • @vayanna ...thats worrying you just mentioned that...about 15 mins ago i was rubbing the top of my bump where the bottom of my ribs are to try and ease a small pain :/...
  • Wow do u get sick very easily even though your in it second trimester actually I'm not that far a head of u I'm due September 10th
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