cant freakin breathe!

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Ugh I cannot breathe and I'm only 6 wks!


  • probsbly just the increased hormones if your.worried c the dr
  • Try halls cough drops
  • It feels like pressure on my chest/lungs
  • Ask your doctor asap because your baby should still be located near your uterus at the bottom.
  • LMAO @sweetmama! Sorry that was pretty funny. Is that where the baby goes?! Hehe.@Nae I totally have had the same feeling starting the same time and still now. I'm 11 weeks and Dr. Said hormones are the cause of it. I climb 1 flight of stairs and its like I ran a mile! I'm not that out of shape. Sometimes it goes away, but don't get too stressed. I have asthma so that doesn't help. I also always feel super stuffed after eating. I mean it can be a salad or oatmeal and my stomach feels like its going to burst! Wondering if you all feel that as well?
  • Omg me too I have asthma and this so isn't helping lol eating makes me feel as round as a pumpkin n if I do anything physical my heart starts pounding n I'm huffin n puffing
  • Yup! Same thing. I've only used my inhaler 2x and my doc said it is ok every so often. If you need it more often, definitely talk tp your doc. The crazy heart beating comes and goes so I just try to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. I still try to walk more and take the stairs either way.
  • How far along are u?
  • Omg I have the same prob it gets on my nerves
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