They call me FAT :(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Everytime my mom sees me, she always says that im too fat and need to walk more. That hurt my feelings. I called my husband and cried to him. I'm not fat, I'm pregnant. My parents tell me that everytime they see me and it always ruins my day and makes me upset. But I shouldn't listen to them! I'm pregnant and happy. I judt hate it when ppl tell you that...


  • That's so cruel! With my first pregnancy I gained a lot of weight and my father (who was really into Indian and Hindu culture at that point in time) decided to give me the nickname for Elephant...I played it off the whole time but it started getting to me after a little bit...
  • My mil used to say I was 'getting fatter' and that I was massive not 'your bumps getting bigger' even though I knew what she ment it still hurt. She said that to me infront of her friend once who came straight to my defence and said 'I think she's got a lovely small neat bump (which I did) and she looks pregnant not massive or fat'. Some people just need to be reminded sometimes :)
  • I get the exact same thing from my mom.."u need to walk more" im sry but I hav so much on my plate..walkinh is the least of my woreies..
  • My bf tells me I'm fat...pisses me off :(
  • Wow...I think I would punch someone. That's so insensitive. You know ur not fat so F**k them:)
  • Yeaa you shouldnt be worried about that even though it does get to you in some moments. My mom tells me I should walk more and I feel the same as @mommy_rel least of my worries, but she also tells me that the labor would go smoother that way because your exercising the pelvic muscles.

    Anyways my answer is always: Im pregnant, but whats your excuse ?? :-D
  • Thanks guys. It just makes me mad sometimes.
  • I'm really not very big even though I'm 9 months. But my neighbours asked if I was having twins or triplets. I wanted to punch them both. Smh.
  • Lol my lil bro said i know what we can get sami for her birthday a wii fit! mum asked why his reply she's getting fat i laughed cos he's only 7 but any one else says it i go moody and threaten to kick there a$$ lol
  • Asain parents always call their kids fat, my parents thought I was fat at 125 to 140. Now im like 207, but them or who ever calls me that gets old. But feel better
  • @mums_the_word my mil says im fat everytime im in the kitchen she says move ur fat self over there. I havent put her in her place yet about it but I will then ima tell my husband to yell at her too lol
  • edited May 2011
    @mrsthompson 34 what is your nationallity?

    @samiuk my niece always tells me to get on her wii fit, she says im gonna blow and when I do, it gonna be conffeti. She is such a dork :) btw I'm having a boy too. I'm 23 weeks.
  • My MIL does the same thing. Everytime I eat a little extra or something she calls me a moo or something along those I'm sorry I'm pregnant
  • @a_wagner oh yeah same here! So this saterday we are doing my dad's birthday and I'm gonna eat my butt off! Not literally lol :)
  • I have close friends call me fat sometimes but they are just joking and im just learning to deal with it.. i know its a good fat so thats all i say! iam 18 weeks prego and i have only gained maybe 5 pounds so im not stressing about it right now. keep your head high guys.. you have a reason so be so called "fat" ur carrying a baby.
  • @randolpha I wouldnt want to be called fat even though I'm preggo. Makes it look like you just ate a whole buffet. Lol
  • Cambodian n ur mhong rite???
  • @mrsthompson34 how did you guess? Wow, I usually get the "are you korean, chinese, or cambodian". Lol.
  • Lol I knoe my asian ppl haha
  • In the city where my family live, theres lots if mhong ppl, loas, n cambodian
  • edited May 2011
    I always say if I dont eat I will still gain weight wats your damn excuse
  • Oh my gosh, that's horrible. You definitely shouldn't worry about it, but I can understand why it would bother you! Girl, you are gorgeous! Seriously. Stay happy! :)
  • @mrsthompson34 where do you live? Where I reside, they're is not much
  • @bensmama aww thanks hun! I get this everytime. Just ignore and keep walking.
  • @zexy4da011 yeap, well my mom is a plus size women so saying that wouldnt be a nice thing for her. But oh well.
  • Yea mine is to so for me to tell her that made me feel better cuz she always insults me n my bd bout everything
  • O would call them fat and that she needa to eat more salads.hell,you're carrying a would be bad it you wasn' bf calls me fatty,but I know he's playing.I don't care.I look good
  • i know the feeling my sister and mother in law like to use the word fat.. not funny.. and very insensitive.. i would say at least i feed my baby.. leave me alone.. i think my sister does it cause she likes seeing me in this condition.. shes always felt like shes had to compete.. im older.. and my mil is just insensitive i always say i gain alot of weight.. some people just do.. and it not cause i eat hohos all day.. lol.. i mean i workout like 5x a wk and eat healthy 80% of the time.. i just gain alot.. i have big babies too.. and when your prego you dont have much time to get used to your new shape.. so you can be feeling really cute and someone drops the fat bomb on you and your like.. =(( cause its always someone close to you.. i would just tell them it hurts your feelings.. and ask them if they would rather you be prego-rexic.. to please them.. so your baby will come out under weight and under developed.. im a smart ass like that .. so i would say someting like that
  • @lae3 same here, im the youngest of the family and my sister is always judging me and my pregnacy also my husband. She feels like I got preggo cause I wanted attdntion. Helli dumbass, I'm married you are not, still living with the parents and finally have a job for the first time in kike 23 yrs!! Ugh, makes me sooooo bad. My husband always tells me to play it cool and ignore, she's just jealous over you that I have a wonderful loving man (at and a wonderfull soon to be little family :)
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