So confused on my date :(

When I had my ultrasound the doctor wasn't sure whether or not to go with the date that showed on the ultrasound or with the date from my last period. I really want to know how far along I am! The 24th cant come soon enough! Plus I'm doubly nervous to find out if the twin aborted itself or what. It's so frustrating and confusing how many questions I left the doctor and have to wait around for the answers.

About my date, I'm running approx one week to a week and a half behind according to the ultrasound which happened with my first child...maybe my body is confused and doesn't cooperate with ultrasound??

Sorry if I sound confused but I really am confused...I just don't know how to process it all :/


  • Hmmm well is ur period normal? With me they went based on the ultrasound because my period was irregular my last period was in december and according to the ultrasound i am barely 12 weeks 2 days today
  • I would go by period
  • Im having twins and they pushed my date back 6 days. Its more accurate the early they do the ultrasound.
  • For now, I would go by your ultrasound. That way, you get a good surprise if your second ultrasound bumps up your due date. Ovulation can be delayed or messed up by a lot of factors and your baby usually grows at the same speed, barring any complications. And your dr will go off the ultrasound.
  • I have the same issue my last ms was feb 7 but an us but me ahead. Idk when im due! Lol!
  • It all depends on when you size is usually 1-2 weeks behind lmp on ultrasound because you don't (usually) ovulate on the first day of your period, usually 2-3 weeks if you use your lmp and say you are 24 weeks the baby is only 22 weeks old because you ovulated two weeks later...ultrasound baby size is usually more accurate, that's what my due date is based on! It is almost two weeks different from my lmp date but my doc is going by u/s to make sure he doesn't do anything too early ;)
  • I need baby to go by my period date because we are supposed too be moving :/ it's all so confusing and nerve racking I can't wait until the 24th! Doesn't hurt I will get to see baby again!
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