why is it called "morning sickness" if it last all day??

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Ugh! 7weeks feels so sick when I am up and walking around but a little better if I stay in bed.. tried crackers and plain toast..any other tips?


  • Have an appointment tomorrow morning will ask! Thanks
  • Definately research it before you take zofran.

    They call it morning sickness for fear women wouldn't get pregnant if they knew it was all damn day.
  • It gets better for most. Hang in there! Its called morning sickness b/c being prego ur digestive track slows down a lot, hormones and stuff. So when u wake up its the dinner from the night befor that makes the moma sick. I was only sick 3 mornings. Mine mostly came on and strong around 4 pm. But 4 me I only felt bad sick for 2-3 weeks on and off. And around 7 weeks was the stongest. Now its only certain smells that make me quizy. Gas, trash can, and my man's gas and that's the worst. So hang in there chic.
  • Thanks ladies ...
  • Peppermint or spearmint water
  • Oh, altoids really have helped for the slight nausea and discomfort of a generally upset tummy. Don't think they would have done much for the nausea I had 2 weeks ago, but you can try. Make sure to avoid the sugar free ones.
  • @jwigs LoL that was exactly what I was thinking!

    I get mine in the middle of the day when I should be getting stuff done! ...My husband also told me that he read in his daddy to be book that there are some schools of thought that say that the vomiting is to keep your body from passing toxins to your baby...who knows..
  • Try eating some dried ginger and some and almonds also pepermint tea helps settle your stomach. I avoid medication if I can and I found these remedys helpful.
  • My doctor gave me phenigren (probably didn't spell it right) but its a anti nausea medication a and it helped me
  • I used zopran and I stayed nauseous but no more throwing up and I'm sure a man named it 'morning sickness' Lol feel better!
  • I'm getting ready for my first appointment so I will ask the doctor about the meds .. but I am definitely going to try the home remedies first :)
  • I used to call it morning noon and night sickness! Mine went away after month four but it was so bad i had to go to the er 6 times even when I got pills but the pills help A LOT it will get better for you hopefully! And when its horrible just remember its something most of us have to go through but when we hear that heartbeat or see the ultrasound n finally see the baby it really is worth going through
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