mine is slightly....hardly noticable unless your stare! lol other than that i've been extremely hungry all day long even right after i eat and i don't think i've started having morning sickness yet but i'm not sure i kind feel like i am starting it but i just get really nasty burps
@navywife lol I'm the exact same way bc my tummy look like I'm 4 months. But my husband is LOVING my sex drive. He says he gotta get me pregnant more often LOL
Lmao well me and my husband were doin it 2-3 times a day before hence the reason I got this way so that area hasnt changed much but I def feel like a giant bloated emotional whale
Yay! I'm 6 almost 7 weeks and so far all I have been feeling is super super tired and sore boobs. I crave cereal and subway like crazy! And I'm a coffee love but lately it has been turning me off yuck!
I am 6 weeks pregnant also, i feel great no sickness tho I do have sore boobs pee alot excessive hunger and mad heartburn oh and im really tiard but ill take it bc with my first son my pregnancy was horrible I was so sick couldnt sleep swollen and had horrible eczema I will say that they say usually morning sickness doesnt set in til 6~8 weeks and that your sex drive usually doesnt increase til the 2nd trimester do yo the extra.bloodflow lol I also dnt want to hurt anyones feelings but having been pregnant before there is no way that you could be feeling the baby this early its only 2mm long the.size of a grain of rice I knw how bad you all want it to b the baby but honestly its just gas. You wont be able to feel the baby with your first pregnancy until around 20weeks I hope this give s you a little more info and I really hope I didn't hurt any one s feelings I was just sharing my knowledge as this is my 2nd baby and my mom is an obgyn. Good luck with your pregnancies girls