C section

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I just had my baby wednesday via c section and I was wondering how long it takes to recover? It hurts really bad. The medicine they give me doesnt help the pain it just makes me drowsy


  • Btw this is my first pregnancy&baby. Thanks
  • It took me about 6 weeks to be 100 % again. For me, I got some of that spray pain reliever. You can get it any where. I think it is called Afrin or something with an A. You spray it on and it numbs the area. Worked really well. I plan to have a scheduled C section with my second in 8 weeks.
  • Oh okay thank u. Is it safe? Did ur dr. reccomend it? Aww well congratulations and good luck! I want more kids but I dont think I can handle another c section ouchh
  • it took me less then 6weeks to heal.. maybe bcause im a fast healer..
  • i actually was given motren and it worked for me lol i dont know why but it did
  • Im given motrin and percocet and they just make me drowsy. It doesnt take the pain away just makes me fall asleep! Luckyy you
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