I need advice please! No baby showed up in the ultrasound:(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I went in today for my first Dr appointment. This is my 3rd time being pregnant after 2 miscarriages. The Dr did an ultrasound and all he saw was a sac and a yolk but no baby. The ultrasound said I measured 6 weeks and 5 days, I think I'm only 6 weeks. The Dr said normally at this point he should see a baby but it might still be too early. So they are gonna check my hcg levels today and then again on Monday to see if they have risen.

Has this happened to anyone and if so, did everything turn out alright or do you think I could be having another miscarriage. Please don't sugar coat your replies I need to start preparing for the worst, but I still have my hopes up that everything is ok.


  • Honestly hun by now there should have been a baby. He should have been able to see it. Its never happened to me but people i know. The sac can keep growing even without a baby in it.
  • I have no clue. But I will be praying you!
  • Me when i was 5 weeks my doctor coudnt see the baby either and like u he only saw the yolk sac and a little spot... i went back a month later and my little bundle was their! I really hope everything goes well with as well!
  • Its happened to me. After 2 different visits they told me it was a blighted ovum. But goodluck hun we're all different.
  • I've heard of it. I think it's called a molar pregnancy. No baby but it looks like a pregnancy and acts like a pregnancy.
  • With this pregnancy my first us was at 5wks and 3 or 4 days and no baby showed up. I'm 35wks today :) goodluck!
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  • I had my first US at around 6 weeks & all I we got to see was a sac as well, but I am now almost 29 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl. I wish you luck; maybe you just ovulated & conceived a little later than you think. It does happen. <3
  • Thank you everyone for your replies, I really appreciate it. I'm gonna try my hardest not to stress out and just hope and pray for the best.
  • The baby is probably just to little to see it go back in a month don't panic
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  • This happened to me, they told me I was either going to misscarry or it was very early in the prgnancy. They tested my hcg levels every other day 3 times. When I went back for the results, my hcg levels had gone up and they did another ultrasound and the baby had a heartbeat.
  • I'm sorry this actually just happened to a co worker. She was so happy and got her first ultrasound they saw a small dot then the second one the baby could not be seen. This was her third miscarrige but she dosent know why she lost the first two. The doc said it might be some kind of I dunno if it was gene or disease. I hope for the best with you
  • I went in at 6 weeks an all they saw on me was a sac an now im 24 weeks with a boy I wouldnt worry about it
  • I went at six weeks and they just saw the sac and went again yesterday and saw my sweet baby and its heart beat. Don't sweat out hun.
  • I'm going back on moday for more bloodwork and then again on the 23rd for another ultrasound so I hope then I will see a baby, I don't know if I could handle having another miscarriage, I want to be a mommy so bad!
  • It happened to me my first MC. 2 weeks later 2 more us and still no baby. Hope for the best and expect the worst. Good luck mama!!
  • Did he do the internal u/s with that wand BC my first appointment they didn't see the baby with the normal u/s all they saw was the sac and I was 6wks2d so it is possible it took her like honestly 20 minutes to find the baby so keep your head up :)
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  • @kat1223 he did a vaginal us but he also used his little mobile us machine because the us tech had already left for the day. The next time I go in it will be the high tech machine, he said that could make a difference.
  • This happened at the beginingof my pregnancy..i found out at 5wks at the ob office (went in for genetics test) they done an u/s only the sac so i went the next week bc the doctor said there should be a baby and he wanted to see a heart beat..well the next week there was a gest.sac &yolk sac..still no baby,the doctor called and said since my levels were so high there should have been a baby and that it wasnt a viable pregnancy..Ha the baby showed up between 7&8wks just to cut it short i am now 31wks :) i had experienced a mc just 3months before getting pregnant with this baby so i know how scary it is,thats why they were doing genetics test bc i have had a stillbirth and mc..
  • Do you Knight if you have a tilted uterus? My friend who's having her first baby has one and that was her problem at 8 weeks. She went to a specialist a few days later and their awesome equipment found baby instantly. That's s when she found out her uterus is tilted.
  • The only problem they had was figuring out my due date since my edd didnt match with when They said the baby should have been there..i have went by my edd and they finally caught up and started going by her size which is exactly right..the doctors have an estimated time for these things but God doesnt work on their time ya know.Good luck hun!
  • With the pregnancy all they could see was the yolk sac but they told me I was 6weeks and 6 days. They told me that you don't really see a baby until about 7 or 8 weeks. There was a heartbeat but it took 45 minutes to find that. I wouldn't worry until you go to another appointment. :)

    On a seperate note, they say early u/s are the most accurate, but the due date they gave me after the 6week 6day one was Aug 3, but at my 20 week u/s they moved my date up to the 27th of july.... they said they did that because otherwise my baby would have been in the 98th percentile for the date I had.. now is it actually possible my baby is in the 98th percentile and I'm actually due Aug 3rd or do you think that maybe the early one was off (I know it is only a week, but a week longer wait after so many months sucks!)
  • I was 8 weeks when they did my first u/s and they dnt see nothing I went back a few days later and he showed up right away and they did vaginal ultrasound both times am now 21 weeks 1 day . Doc said she Dosent know why he baby wasent showing she said he was hiding. Hope all goes well with u
  • It happened to my sister in law when she was six weeks pregnant. They couldn't see the baby or hb only the sac and yolk. Right now she's 25 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl. So, don't loose hope hun. Oh, and at that time she was also bleeding with lots of pain but she never mc. God has his plans!!! :)
  • They didn't see mine either that early he said if there's a baby then it should show up later in the sack oval looking thing. I went back at 9w3d and had a peanut looking thing show up and now I'm at 18 weeks and I have a real looking baby! So it could turn out like mine or whatever everyones diffrent that's just my story!
  • this happened to me because i ovulated late... i should have been 7 weeks for the first ultrasound but was acutally only 5... went back 2 weeks later and there was a healthy little bubs :)
    its good to be positive about these things i think it really does help, but atleast your aware that things may not turn out... i have also had a mc and its awful... goodluck hunny xox
  • This happened to me but my first check up was at 8wks and the ultrasound showed no baby and an empty sac. My doctor told me the pregnancy wasn't viable and I ended having a miscarriage. I pray that this isn't the case with you. This was my first pregnancy and my only miscarriage. I'm now on my 3rd pregnancy at 19wks. I wish you the best ~ stay positive.
  • The baby is probably just to little to see it go back in a month don't panic
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