@mrsthompson34 oh yeah, cali us known for the asians. I originally came from cali but from the fresno area. I don't think I could ever go back to cali its just not the same no more. You know anybody from fresno?
Ppl call me fat too it really pisses me off too cuz I'm really not that big for a seven month pregnant person I've seen bigger that all I'm sayin but jus brush it off cuz ppl hate to see happy ppl.
lol i got to the point i either agree with ppl and say "YEP! tends to happen when you have a HUMAN growing inside of you!" either that or i say "DUDE fuck off, I'm pregnant... wtf do you expect?" idk i take it very offensively cuz i get "OH there is nooooooooooo way that is one baby in there!" allllllll the time... im likely to start knocking ppl out xD
Well me and my husband were sitting here watching tv one day when he looks at me and says "ugly" i was like ok fatty. he said "your fat" i told him "yeah im also 31 weeks preggo too" he said "you have only gained 6 lbs, so yeah your fat" what an asshole.
yeah.. a bit of jellousy.. but my lil sis was bigger than me.. still is. technacly.. but shes lost alot of weight i tell her how great she looks.. i think shes just mean without trying.. shes one of the only ones that can actually hurt my feelings.. you know.. she went from a size15 to a size 9 and she looks great.. im so happy for her.. just wish she knew how to hold her tounge.. shes like that if she notices anything.. i lost alot of weight and all the sudden i was assless and boobyless.. lol.. and she let me know it..
@awhaley28540 awww. NO! No crying hon! He just wants to be like you he wants to feel sexy, lol. I use to do that when my husband called me fat BUT now i show him who us the boss. Just remember, you have a growing baby inside of you that will beat up daddy for making mommy cry and calling get fat. Like I always tell my husband, when our son comes out, he is gonna karaTAY you in the face when he first comes out
@lae3 I tell ya, when you compliment them your nice but when they do, they sure know how to put it in a harsh way but hey what are sisters for,eh? I use to be a big girl before I got preggo and my sister was always on my ass with name calling, until I lost weight and was a size 9 to size 5 & 6 and I lost my butt and boob, which SUCKS BUTT!!
if my husband, mil, mother, or anyone ever said that to me they wouldn't hear the end of it!!! if my hubby did it, i would keep him up all night bitching about it so he would never do it again. seriously!!!
My dad whose a bit of a professional drinker, to be nice, if you will, always says I have a 'beer belly' when I see him. Mind you im 5'7", was 125# and petite torso, so yeah, my son sticks out there quite a bit. Thanks dad! Now I know why mom says you were unsupportive while she was prego w me and my 2 brothers. Ugghhh
my mom is a severe alcoholic, and she doesnt even know i am pregnant. she started calling me a fat@ss when i was 10 and started puberty. i wasnt fat at all, i was getting hips and boobs. over the years she obsessed over thinness, which propelled me in the opposite direction. i overate while my sister became anorexic. if she knew i was preggo i cant even imagine the insults! i dont talk to her at all anymore.