worried all the time over nothing!

edited April 2011 in September 2011
Everyday that I don't feel alot of movement I think something is wrong. And I hate the thought of losing the baby. Women that have had to go through that r so strong. I feel for them I really do.


  • I felt baby at 13weeks. I'm 15 weeks Saturday & haven't really feltmuch this past weeks. I'm scared too. I've had alotta stress this week. Idk if that matters. But I go to dr Monday & hope babys ok.
  • I was like that when I first started feeling my baby but they say dont worry when u dont feel nothing for a while when ur that early. just have to remember their very small with a bunch of room to move around.. I stopped feeling my baby for weeks when I started getting bigger.. I didnt start feeling her everyday til I was like 26 weeks.
  • @one5one I go to the doctor too next week. I go Tuesday to find out the sex at my 20 week mark :-D I just started feeling alittle movement on the outside of the stomach this week, I hope baby keeps it up cause when baby stops I get paranoid! Don't know why
  • I think as good moms we will always worry. But I kiinow @Ittybitty
  • Sorry fone froze. But ittybitty is rite. But that doesn't make me worry less. Lol. I want to find the gender Monday. But itmay be still early. As. Long as baby is ok!
  • @one5one -yea @Ittybitty made me feel alot better:) I going to keep telling myself that the days I feel nothing.
  • oh believe me I know, i went and bought a monitor cuz I was worrying all the time... lol! im glad it at least made u feel a little bit better.. even hearing her heartbeat everyday and not feeling her made me worry..
  • I was like that with my first baby I didn't feel her move everyday until 26 weeks and that is completely normal. I am expecting my second and I have been feeling him move really well every day since about 18 weeks. My doctor said that with a first baby the uterus is tighter and doesn't allow you to feel all the movemrnts plus the baby has plenty of room to move around. There is also the way your baby is faceing to consider, the position of your placenta, etc.
  • I feel the same way as u I get all worried and paranoid I'm almost 22 wks and now I feel more movement I thank god for evry day I feel her move everything will be alright
  • I was too.I still am.lol
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