Induse labor

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
Can I ask my doctor to induse my labor just to have my baby earlier ?


  • A lot of laws wont let them unless its medical. Mine did cause she was going to Jerusalem for two weeks
  • You can, but you shouldn't. It is better to try to let the baby come when they are ready. Why do you want to have the baby earlier? You can always do things to induce labor yourself. Google inducing labor and you will find all kinds of home remedies.
  • How far along are you? Doctors won't induce before 38 weeks unless medically necessary. The sooner a baby is born, the higher the risk for complications.
  • It just depends on your pregnancy and your doctor's policies. Some doctor's are sticklers and won't even discuss inductions before you're overdue and some doctor's would prefer to schedule them. It couldn't hurt to ask.
  • It just depends on your pregnancy and your doctor's policies. Some doctor's are sticklers and won't even discuss inductions before you're overdue and some doctor's would prefer to schedule them. It couldn't hurt to ask.
  • I would ask your doctor the worst thing they could say is no.

    We asked my doctor on Thursday to be induced so my husband could get more time with the baby before he leaves. I go into the hospital Monday night to start my induction so it never hurts to ask.
  • Thanks gurls im only 29 weeks but im juss wondering because my due date is july 27 n my friends is 3 days b4 me but her doctor told her all ready dat she was gonna have a induce labor.....
  • @JaydenzMommy does your friend have any health issues? They usually only induce if it is medically necessary or in @navybabyonway case there are extenuating circumstances. Is there a reason you want to induce?
  • There is probably a reason that the doctor is going to induce her if they already mentioned it.
  • Yeaa.she is sick .
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