Hes a hard worker so I dont have to... I can smell the cleaning products as hes cleaning the kitchen.. Hes already cooked supper, did the dishes and doing laundry.. Hes vaccumed and cleaned every room in our house. And this is an all the time thing, not just sometimes... God has really blessed me with a wonderful man!! :X


  • Lucky u! My hubby goes on his cleaning spree about once a month but he works hard everyday
  • Awesome! Mine helps me, when he sees me mad! Lol.... It works!
  • Aww, My hubby is awesome like that too. Yay for being blessed with great husbands! :X
  • Can all of your hubby's teach mine?!?! I'm trying to get the house cleaned today so I can relax tomorrow before being induced Monday and all he is doing is playing video games!!! I'm about to hide his games.
  • @navybabyonway mine dont play video games unless we play the wii together lol. Hes ready to start cleaning carpets since we had a 4d u/s the other day.
  • @Karla_with_a_k I'm jealous!!! Mine might wake up tomorrow to no Xbox Haha. Not sure what I'd tell hum happened to it
  • That's the best feeling ever!
  • Just be like xbox?? What xbox?? Idk what u r talking about!! Lol @navybabyonway
  • haha I've hidden my husbands ps3 before. he got madddd. but he did clean lol and when he wad done I followed through and gave it back(: I'm evil :>
  • I wouldn't care that he is playing because honestly he isn't very good at cleaning but we are getting ready to move out of our house and they come for an inspection Monday afternoon.
  • Wow, that's awesome! Mine does laundry... when he needs something specific mostly... ;) I'm totally jealous! ;)
  • Jealous!! That is amazing!!
  • wow I'm so jealous of yalls hubbies!
  • Awe :) my husband is the best man i ever met. He is always so helpful with everything i need. He is also a wonderful daddy to our 7 year old and know he will be with our newborn
  • My hunny is a good man he rubs my feet and back when Im in pain washes clothes helps me get dress. Makes me cook food he goes on store runs and he helps me out the bed when I gotta go on a bathroom run. That's my babe since he knocked me up he better take care of me LOL
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