Any one pregnant with no. 4 or 5

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Ok well I'am expecting no.5 and even though im 17 wks pregnant I still cannot believe im doing this again.. This is truly a blessing for my husband and I especially for me I feel like this is my momma coming back to me in some way... Im just so happy


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  • Congrats no 4 here planes but not timed so a surprise baby hope its my girl geans are against us so far we have 3 boys so no disappointment if we have another awesome boy lol my girl ill get when I have grand kids lol 1day
  • Oh wow so ur starting all over then... Well congrats to u... My oldest is 13 and my youngest is 2...
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  • This is my no.4, I praying for that girl too. Been blessed with boys but this was such a shocker. So my fingers are crossed. God bless you!
  • Oh yes u will have lots of help... When I had my last baby my kids all pitched in it was great...
  • This is #4 for me. My oldest is 18 middle is 16 and youngest is 9 so we are starting over again. This was a surprise but I still feel blessed. I will be excited with a boy or a girl but I think it would be fun to see my husband coaching little league football again. Congratulations ladies!
  • This is # 5 for us. We have all boys(11 10 9 & 17ms). Such a shocker for us and we r praying for a girl.
  • Number 4 for us. We hv a 13 11 and 9 yr old. Yay!! Everyone i talk to tells me we r crazy....i thinkit shows how strong our relationship and family is.
  • My boys are 8 this year 3 & bubs 17months so for a month or 2 I will have 3 under 4 2 in nappys again argh lol a few ppl I no who are preg are having girls this preg is different again all none have been but this bubs been so much more tired
  • I'm pregnant with number 5! We have a 10 yr old girl, 7 yr old boy, 6 yr old girl, 4 yr old boy, and this one is a girl! And we couldn't be happier! We never planed on having such a big family, but now we wouldn't trade it for anything! Our girls can't wait to change diapers! Or so they say!! Lol :)
  • This will be my #4(boy) but #1 for my other boys are 13,12,& yea im starting over but its so diffrent this time maybe cause im older and really truely in love....
  • Number 5 for me. I have 4 girls, ages 11, 8, almost 6 & 17mos. My hubby has a son who is 13. This is our 2nd together. The only thing that makes me mad is that people ask us things like don't you have enough kids? This is your last, right? Who is getting fixed after this one? Its none of their business! Makes me infuriated! X(
  • Im not we may even have a #5 if we can afford it :)
  • #5 here and I'm a single mom ...I have 3 girls (4..3..1) and my son 9 mths...
  • @mrsdelrae Im also always getting asked if this one is our last and believe me I know how annoying it can be when it's really no ones bizness...
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