Im 15 weeks. Went to lake today and I got extremely im throwing up dizzy fainted once shaky freezing and can barely this normal what do I do? =/
Yea it has nothing to do with being pregnant, you have heat stroke or sun poisoning, drink lots and lots and lots of water and rest, try to stay out of the sun!
It sounds like sun poisoning. There is a risk of dehydration with this do you should probably call your practitioner to see what they think you should do. In the meantime you can take Tylenol, drink plenty of water, and can even take a tepid bath with a few cups of milk in the water (will help soothe the skin). Afterwardsusr some aloe to help the burn. Good luck momma.
I get it Every summer!! It sucks, just drinks tons of time you go to the lake stay hydrated and spend time in the shade! If it keeps up after 24 hours go in and get checked out..