is it normal for new borns?"

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
To sneeze often my mil keeps n telling me his going to get a


  • I think its normal
  • When I had my daughter the pediatrician said it was normal
  • IT is normal... Especially the first week as they transition to extrauterine life. They sneeze and cough to clear amniotic fluid at first and then secretions later on.
  • Yeah it's normal. An RN told me durin newborn classes & I read it in a newborn book
  • yea its normal, my son did too, if you think about it, its understandable, considering they are brand new and are breathing air for the first time, all smells r new, everything is new to them, they haven't been exposed to anything yet, so its not just there skin thats sensitive, everything about them is. Give it a couple weeks, it will go away
  • We went to our sons first appt and he said it was normal.
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