Things people didn't tell you about being pregnant!!



  • That i would mysteriously grow a beard!!!( Thank god its a blonde one) That the simple task of walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night would have be hobbling thru the hallway barely making it and excited to sit down and rest on the toilet! And that i would start sweating at the drop of a dime!
  • That when having #2 it smells really really bad... and you pee on yourself !!!
  • I can't watch tv now without balling. One morning I got on to my husband for putting so much salt on his egg sandwhich, so he told me I had too much milk in my cereal and I started crying Haha. If I cough I throw up. Sleeping gets difficult early on. I get really bad headaches when im up walking around and it almost makes me pass out. I am constipated one week and not the next. My nipples have not quit hurting and are getting scary big. And since I am not sick anymore all I want is sex! I think that about sums it all up haha
  • *that u'll experience the most intense, desperate hunger of ur life
    *that u'll pee constantly not only becuz of ur growin uterus but also becuz around 19 wks ur baby will kick ur bladder!
    *Hip pain! U'll feel like an old lady with arthritis!
  • Lmao at all of this! This is baby #5 and I have had everyone of these symptoms at one point or another! Also once u have gone through all this!! There is still more to come after the baby arrives!
  • That labor is not the only pain you will endure I'm on 23 weeks and feel like im going to die:'(
  • That I would change my pad more now than before I got pregnant!!

    Dreams are way too real.

    You are always experiencing some form of pain, discomfort...and then you give birth lol

    The amount of planning involved.

    Your friends will not always be there.

    If u had depression in your past...pregnancy can bring it back :-(
  • Goin to the bathroom every minute, can't get comfortable because ya baby won't let u get comfortable. Midnight snack craving, stretch marks, constipation, swelling of the feet, backaches,leg cramps LOL
  • ~that you will be so exhausted
    ~that your entire body will itch and that stretch marks are not limited to just your belly
    ~that everyone will have a comment about your pregnancy

    And alot of what everyone else has already said( hairyness, gas, cramps, nose bleeds,ect)
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