please help...tmi

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I wole up this morning and went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was a bunch of nasty booogy stuff...I keep reading about the mucus plug on here is that what it is and what does it mean?? I am so confused :( oh and I am only 29 weeks...


  • thats wats happening to me I think long stringy gooey mucus n mines green so vivyana I think just said mucus plug, if u loose it to early though it ca regenerate
  • Mines not green its clear and like light yellow lol so its normal?
  • yeah normal
  • Ok lol what is the mucus plug and what does it mean?
  • I lost my mucus plug the day before I had my first son. It usally means a sign your going into laor. You are definitely too early so it may be just normal discharge. I am 28 weeks and I also have a lot of gooey discharge which gets kind of annoying! I just wear a panty liner. If you are concerned, call your doctr.
  • Thank you @brenda...I am not concerned I was just curious on what it was and if it was the mucus plug...I looked it up lol it looks gross :(
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