can spicy foods really put you into labor?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I am almost 18weeks & really craving some hot chicken wings!


  • So far its not working... For me atleast...i have 13 days left... And I wanted to go to labor already...
    Ill say satisfy your cravings :)
  • I eat spicy food like crazy.. nothing has happened.... so enjoy!
  • It hasnt worked for me neither. Through out my whole pregnancy i ate buffalo wings...i have 20days left
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  • @Anne09, awe lol. I just wanted to make sure because some people swear by it & I def don't want that to happen... not yet atleast lol. Good luck!

    @jess8d, thank goodness lol, I will!

    @PrettyKiki, it's good to hear all of this positive feedback! We had some tgif bake & eat cpicy chicken wings & I just added some extra fdranks hot sauce lol.

    @Almost4, okay good! & wow, I had no idea I should eat spicy stuff more often lol.
  • I have been eating spicy door my entire pregnancy and im still holding my baby girl so I think.u should be safe!!
  • I am 39 weeks and have ate spicy foods just last night and nothing has happened. It may work for some people though.
  • Lol i always get extra sauce too & still nothing lol :(
  • I'm in love with Domino's boneless wings and Kicker sauce! No labor from it though!
  • O no I don't think you have anything to worry about. My last pregnancy I craved chicken fingers with the hottest "suicide " sauce on it and some on the side to dip it in. I say eat up mama
  • Wow u guys r making me want some hot wings right n the hair salon and either pizza huts wingstreet or dominos are going to get a call from me lol....question though...i hear the baby can taste whatever u eat,and becuz of that i always feel bad when i douse tabasco sauce on something so i havent touched it in a while. Do i guys ever wonder if the baby can taste the spicyness?
  • I sure hope not! Lol. I live off spicy foods, it's all I ever eat!
  • Question 2: anybody have kids already who they ate/craved spicy food while they were pregnant with and how do they feel about spicy food now, do the kids hate it or love it?
  • My daughter lovesssss it lol she could eat a whole block of pepper Jack cheese if I let her
  • My 2 year old daughter loves spicy foods. She can eat a whole bag of spicy cheetos by herself.
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