showering with kids?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Does anyone? Personally I think its wrong I have never showered with my son And I've still managed to lead a busy life.


  • I never did with a toddler, but when daughter was a few months old my hubby would hand her to me after I finished washing.
  • My son dont like showers. I shower with my daughter sometimes
  • I shower with my daughter some times, but never would she shower with her dad, or never would I or he shower with a son...
  • my mom did with me wen i was a bby i have pics tew not showing anything of course but i looked happy and she said i was always wanting tew get in the tub wit her lol its cute im having a little girl and im considering it hmmm idk it all depends on her
  • I plan to shower with my son. We don't have a bath tub. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. But if the kids are getting to the point when they are asking questions about what parts are what, then it may be time to stop that. I plan on doing it until he is old enough to be in the shower by himself or he can shower with my husband.
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  • I remembering showering with my mom. I've had my nephew shower with me a few times, he played with his toys. I don't see anything wrong with it unless the child is being harmed in anyway.
  • @KerrideeRN That is creepy.
  • Top age 3-4.. my nephew was 18-22 mo.
  • I occasionally shower with my daughter but not my sons
  • @Kerridee
    Yeah that's too bizarre. She's too young to look at male genitalia.
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  • I showerd with both of my babies when they were lil babies. But not now
  • I let my 4 yr old shower with me when we all need to go somewhere, its quicker. My husband will get in the tub with the girls to wash them, then I take them and get them ready for bed. He wears his boxers though, never nakey.
  • My son showered with me up until age 2 2 1/2 but not anymore. I remember showering with my mom from time to time up til age 6ish
  • i plan on showering with my daughter i have a big shower so im going to fill up her little tub n put it on the floor so i can bathe her with me. i dont think its wierd with your own kids. up to a certain age, cuz then they get curious & you dont know what they will go & repeat to some other adult...just saying.
    i was my brother. always have. hes 6 years old now i used to put him in the bath but now he wants to shower & i wash him. i get the loofa thing & wash his body and his hair. but i dont go in there with him.

    funny thing is i let my fiance was him & as they were walking to the bathroom my brother goes "HAHA NOW YOU HAVE TO WASH MY BUTTT N NUGGETS!!!"
    lol lets just say my fiance just threw him in there & shut the door haha
    he was sooo embarrased.
  • I did w/my son..I stop when he was 3 cus..then he was asking I felt uncomfortable ..he's four now and takes his own showers ..when we did take showers he didn't stare at me he was to busy playing w/his toys..
  • My sil showers with her 4 year old...she is an odd kid the only one I know who doesn't like baths! And since she needs to wash her hair for her she just showers with her...but idk they still give the 9 year old a bath I think that's even more weird...9 year olds should be able to wash themselves but the girl refuses to wash herself she will just sit in the tub n say she "doesn't know how to wash her hair or give herself a bath" so my bf mom or his sis (9 year olds mom) has to do it! Really makes me crazy considering my 4 year old stepdaughter can give herself a bath! Just got to check her hair to make sure she rinsed good enough...
  • My 3 year old son baths with his dad every now n thn I dnt see the problem with it .as long as its with ur own parent an no one else :-)
  • I think like 3 or 4 at the latest is what I would consider ok I guess. I know people who have like their 10yr ol shower with em like hell no lol
  • We have a 21/2yr girl and my husband and I both take turns showering w/her. Im prego w/a lil boy and we plan on doing the same w/him. I think we'll prob stop by the age of 3/4yrs but we'll see. I see NOTHING wrong w/it. Its just more bonding time. I want my children to know the difference between our bodies and if/when they start asking questions, we'll answer them. I don't really understand why you feel its wrong or creepy. I would love if someone could answer that for me.
  • I took a bath with my stepson att age two but I wore my swimsuit
  • My mom told me I would shower with my dad till I was 6 years old because I was a daddys lil girl . But my dad would shower with some water shorts though .
  • Every once in a while my 18month old will hop in there with me when im done with all my stuff (lol) I think i can count the number of times on one hand though. we never did that with my son... im not sure why.
  • I have showered with both my kids at the same time just cuz its quicker. Now my son is almost 3 an my husband wil gve him a bath, my 2yr old daughtr smetimes gets in the shower with me but I would nevr let her shower with my husband.. mayb if she was a inant but defntly nevr now
  • I think if its absolutely necessary, as long as girls stay with their mom, boys with the dad, and only until they're like 2-3 then its ok. After that age they'll start noticing things lol
  • Adrian is I month and I shower duluth her everyone in awhile when we are in a guru she likes showers better than baths. Because I hold her when we shower. I don't plan on doing that forever, but out is nice bonding for us.
  • I do till age 4 and actually still do with my daughter occasionally .... my mom did with me n my sister especially when camping.... Americans are so funny acting about nudity.... its really not a big deal unless u make it a big deal.
  • Oh n the questions he asked aren't like why you do have this?..he knows the difference between bodies ..but are like why are you shaving ..and i didnt want my butt in his face if i turn around ..thats what i mean by uncomfortable ..we have a small shower..when he was younger we had a bigger one..he was in his own corner and had my own
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