showering with kids?



  • Agree with @ghettobetty

    I never bathed with my 7 yr old. But I do sometimes with my 3 yr old. (Both girls) now I'm having a boy, I may here and there within the first yr or two. But after that unfortunately I would be worry about societal reprimands.... I.E. CPS if someone seen something wrong with it.

    My mother is very anti-nudity
  • Thts pretty weird.. I sometimes shower w my 3 yr old nephew if we are in a hurry to get somewhere or if im babysittin him so I wont leave him by homself but I always leave my bra and panties on.
  • I showered with my daughter until she was 2. My husband did until she was almost 4. (He was unemployed, so he took care of her in the mornings more.) He always wore his boxers, and she's never asked questions. She's 5 now and she just bathes herself.
  • I dont think girls should shower w their dads at all. Even if yu completely trust them. but thts just me I guess. I dnt see anythin wrong w showerin w th same sex but thrre should be some privacy (bra & or panties)
  • Yup I do and did with all mt kids son and daughters and will with this boy too. I will also throw my 2 babies in tub together n find nothinf wrong with it . Showered with my son til he was about 4. and my daughter til about 6. my kids never stared at me because I never made a deal abour it. Now that the two older ones r older they have their privacy :)
  • Ps I totally agree with @ghettobetty
  • It's not something I ever thought about as an issue, lol. Like, a lot of times, whoever was in the shower would wash her and hand her out to the other parent to dry and dress. Assembly line bathing at my house, lol!
  • I take baths and showers with my toddler my husband showers with him in the mornings when they are getting ready for work/daycare. We will do the same with the little girl I'm pregnant with now. I will also be throwing the kids in the tub together when she is old enough. Colt turns two on Wednesday I figure when he's old enough that I don't have to be in the bathroom watching that he doesn't drown is when we will stop cobathing.

    Nudity is only an issue if you make it into an issue.
  • @beaded_bunny , @gettobetty - totally agree w/you.
  • My husband and I shower together atleast 5 times a week, I don't really know why, but we have for years and we plan on including her when she gets here, but only while she's small enough. Once she gets older, I don't think it's appropriate.
  • My daughter will be two in June and she showers with me . She can shower herself but u still have to reach in to wash her. U wish we had a bath tub. I plan on my fiance showering with my son when he is old enough to shower.
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