need some advice

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I had a miscarriage Nov.2009... The first indication that I was m/cing was that according to my lmp I should have been 6 weeks but the baby was measuring smaller. Next came hcg testing, 2 nd level came back that they dropped, the 3rd came back and they had doubled... (almost done) 2nd ultrasound showed a heartbeat, went back to my obgyn and he did another ultrasound and this time no heartbeat.
Ok so now that I've caught you up... Here's what I need some reassurance on.
I am now 6 weeks pregnant, and my first hcg levels were a little low, had another one 48 hours later and it had more than doubled... I'm excited that everything is looking good but I can't get this uneasy feeling. I am so excited about having another baby, but I keep feeling like I shouldn't let myself. I'm constantly worrying that something is going to happen, and I just feel like I'm worrying so much that I can't even enjoy the first part of my pregnancy.


  • I'm in the same boat, I've had two ectopics and even though the u/s said its in the womb I am still a mess. They didn't see anything but a gestational sac, which has me stressed. The tech said it was just too early, but I am still so scared. Sooo, we told our kids about the baby (well they kinda figured it out haha). Now I am so worried that it won't happen and its going to break all our hearts. The best advice I've been given is to relax, know that stress wont help, take good care of myself and treat myself like I have a precious package onboard. So I am doing that. I am still worrying, but trying to breathe deep when I get anxious or scared. Every pain and weird feeling shakes me up, but I try to tell myself it is normal, and to be calm. I know whatever I do its out of my hands, so I am trying to just enjoy each mommy/baby moment and wait for that 12 week miracle marker :) good luck! Let me know if you want to share anxieties .... I am happy to have us support on another :)
  • Hi ladies,
    I have not have a miscarriage, but it did take us 3 years of trying. I'm 8 weeks pregnant now and I worry constantly, I guess I feel like its to good to be true. I've only told a few people mainly just family so I don't really have anyone to talk to. I totally get though that its hard to enjoy this time when your worried all the time! Keep your head up. This place let's you know your not the only one :)
  • Thanks ladies!
  • i am in the same boat as u r....all we can do is pray for the best...its very scary...whishing u the best of luck..
  • @michelet - I understand you 110%! I'm on my third pregnancy, at 5 months today, & due July 2nd. My first two ended in miscarriage, & even though I'm out of the riskier 1st trimester, I'm still full of fear and stress. It hangs over your head like a noose - a constant, unwanted companion. I was a wreck for the first three months, and now I'm less of a wreck. Lol! But you cant help it once you've lost a pregnancy. The sorrow, emptiness, self-doubt, & grief are enormous. All the advice I can offer is to send loving, positive energy to your baby, turn to your faith if you're spiritual, & keep your stress down as MUCH as possible. Focus some of those fears & anxieties into reading, writing, music, arts, crafts, photography...whatever hobby you enjoy!! Best of luck & brightest blessings to you & your baby. :)
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