need some advice
I had a miscarriage Nov.2009... The first indication that I was m/cing was that according to my lmp I should have been 6 weeks but the baby was measuring smaller. Next came hcg testing, 2 nd level came back that they dropped, the 3rd came back and they had doubled... (almost done) 2nd ultrasound showed a heartbeat, went back to my obgyn and he did another ultrasound and this time no heartbeat.
Ok so now that I've caught you up... Here's what I need some reassurance on.
I am now 6 weeks pregnant, and my first hcg levels were a little low, had another one 48 hours later and it had more than doubled... I'm excited that everything is looking good but I can't get this uneasy feeling. I am so excited about having another baby, but I keep feeling like I shouldn't let myself. I'm constantly worrying that something is going to happen, and I just feel like I'm worrying so much that I can't even enjoy the first part of my pregnancy.
Ok so now that I've caught you up... Here's what I need some reassurance on.
I am now 6 weeks pregnant, and my first hcg levels were a little low, had another one 48 hours later and it had more than doubled... I'm excited that everything is looking good but I can't get this uneasy feeling. I am so excited about having another baby, but I keep feeling like I shouldn't let myself. I'm constantly worrying that something is going to happen, and I just feel like I'm worrying so much that I can't even enjoy the first part of my pregnancy.
I have not have a miscarriage, but it did take us 3 years of trying. I'm 8 weeks pregnant now and I worry constantly, I guess I feel like its to good to be true. I've only told a few people mainly just family so I don't really have anyone to talk to. I totally get though that its hard to enjoy this time when your worried all the time! Keep your head up. This place let's you know your not the only one