im letting mine be there even though i hate his guts sometimes. he is going to be in her life and i think he should be there to see her begin life. may i ask y you dont want him there? does he plan on being in the baby's life?
Mine will be, since he's my husband. But if he was like a one night stand or there was a lot of animosity between us, I don't think i'd have him in the room, but I would still let him come right after.
He doesn't want her one day then the next he does, we are going through a divorce because he cheated before and throughout our marriage. He gave me an std after he knew I was pregnant. Thank god it was.treatable. He told the girls he was with the night before our anniversary that he hated that I was prego and he wanted me to get an abortion and he wanted a divorce. @Ittybitty
@pinkbaby5842 that is horrible. I'm glad you're bout to divorce his butt. You're to good for him, and there is somebody out there that is going to love you and your child unconditionaly keep your head up hun!!
I think I'm going to stick to my guns and not let him be there. Thanks ladies, everyone I have asked thinks I'm the horrible one for not wanting him there. Besides my dad if course lol
The father of my first child wasn't in the room. He denied she was his through the first 7 months of my pregnancy, even told people he was gonna have some girls he knew jump me. He came around when I was like 8 months but I found out he was still talking shit so I decided on not calling him. Well a "friend" found out and told him where I was so he showed up, high I might add. I didn't want drama so I didn't say anything til it was time to push that's when I made sure someone escorted him out quietly.
The father of my first child wasn't in the room. He denied she was his through the first 7 months of my pregnancy, even told people he was gonna have some girls he knew jump me. He came around when I was like 8 months but I found out he was still talking shit so I decided on not calling him. Well a "friend" found out and told him where I was so he showed up, high I might add. I didn't want drama so I didn't say anything til it was time to push that's when I made sure someone escorted him out quietly.
Great thing about being the mom is that you get to decide who is there with you...write it in your birthplan and nothing he says or does will allow him to be there! Do make sure you have a friend or someone close that you trust there with you!
Hmmm that's tough because I'm into with my bd but I definitely understand why you don't want him there especially if he's denying your child and slept around! Men can be such dogs! I pray that you get through this.
I don't want him there he denied the baby n told me to get rid of it he said if I kept it he wasn't gunna give me child support and all this bull crap. I hate him my bby daddy he's 26 I'm only 18 he left me for a 15 year old wow huh that's fuked up right there.
At this moment nope bcus my bd has been mia since April 26 n tunite I called him private n he answer but hung up he den say anything I'm So hurt bcus he lied like his phone was messed up wen I last heard of him ughhh I wish I had another bd...:-(
I don't really know. We had such a rough beginning to our relationship for the first year or so that it was only a few months into us starting to work things out these last 6 motnhs that I got pregnant. We have been trying to work things out so that we are atleast there for our kids (I'm having twins) but he's very flaky so its hard for me to make that decision since I'm only 11wks. I think if we contine to work on our relaionship and we develop a mature relationship id let him but if he looks like he's going to bail on me I'm cutting him out of our lives. Only time will tell.
@pinkbaby5842. You have to do what's right for the health, well being and happiness of both you and your child. Don't give him the time of day if he can't treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve.
I'm not letting my bd I da room...I feel as tho if u cnt com to my doc appointments not even 1the whole pregnancy then y let him in da might b selfish but Idc I been in n out the hospital n he hasn't bother to check n c was I OK....y wuld I let him share or mess up the best day of my life(srry just vented a lil bit)
I'm letting him come if he wants to, we aren't together right now but he is trying to be there for me and is finally coming around and I want him there bc if he's not he will regret it and I'm almost positive we will get back together when our lil boy is born
My bd left me at 13 weeks. I'm now almost 16 weeks. I haven't heard from him at all and he changed his #. At this point I feel that if he doesn't want to be involved now, there's no reason he should be when I'm in labor. At the same time, I want him there so maybe he'll see how real this is and that he can run away from me but not the pregnancy.
My BD and I have had multiple problems throughout the pregnancy, but went through mediation with a friend and we agreed on a plan regarding visitation, child support, etc that we both agree on. Nonetheless, he is not going to be at the hospital, simply because I want as little stress as possible. Ive decided against having any visitors other than my mother, who will be there for the birth. I just want to have my son and breastfeed him. I dont feel that this is the time to be handing my baby around and worrying about what everybody else wants. The rest of my life is going to be a compromise between BD and I, this one time is just for baby and I.
Wow...i so totally agree with in the same boat. Im glad I came on and read your post because it inspired me to do the same thing. I want the time to be about me and my baby. Bd has been so negetive and absesnce. I was dumb to be with him anyway.
may i ask y you dont want him there? does he plan on being in the baby's life?
im sorry
@pinkbaby5842. You have to do what's right for the health, well being and happiness of both you and your child. Don't give him the time of day if he can't treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve.