when you hear this name...

edited May 2011 in Baby names
Do you think boy or girl? Jamie. I love it for my son bc my bfs name is James and i wanted to keep it as close to james as i could. But one of my sisters and her bf say its a girl name. What do you ladies think?


  • It can b both
  • @due71011 i was gonna text you about this but then i saw you floating around here so i figured you could tell me on here. Love you!
  • Had a few female friends named jaime
  • I dated a guy named jamie. I think it can be both. How does bd like it?
  • @mommysierra & @ghettobetty so y'all don't think of just one sex? That's how i feel about it!
  • I think it can work both ways...
    I know a Jamie that is a boy...
    I think its cute :) go for it!
  • Its totally both but im personally not a fan of it for girls
  • @rissalee7 that's why my sister said it was a girl name lol

    @due71011 he really likes it!
  • Both. Boy or girl.
  • I think its unisex but cuz of those friends I associate its with girls
  • Well I think if you both like it then go with it. It atleast gets rid of confusion when yelling at both of them. And its better than naming your daughter jonnie. Not that anything is wrong with that.
  • It can be both, but I always think boy. My brothers names is James but he's been called Jamie his whole life :)
  • @sara102011 but do you like the way the full name sounds. I am not too sure about the flow but maybe I just haven't heard it enough.
  • I associate it with girls but that's b/c of the pple I know..but it can be either and if u both like it who cares what other pple think! I just wouldn't go giving him a middle name like Sue to go with it! Lol ;)
  • Both - I know a guy named Jamie and I also know a girl named Jamie.
  • In the uk its a boys name really x
  • @anne09 thanks! I love it! We were just gonna name him james but i didn't wanna call him jj and i didn't wanna battle separating the two all our lives lol.

    @lilliebug see i would never name my girl jamie! I love it!

    @ghettobetty thanks momma!!

    @rissalee7 i don't think i have ever had a friend named jamie before so i have nothing to compare it too! Or no one i should say. Lol

    @blueberrysmom yeah i think of jamie foxx when i hear it. Lol. He's a boy!

    @due 71011 omg i laughed so hard at that. Lol
    I think my dad will like it more than james too.
  • @firsttymemom see we were thinking about putting james on the birth certificate and just calling him jamie but still haven't decided

    @due71011 jamie michael applin sounds good! It flows. Say it a couple times. Oh i just got your text lol

    @ethansmommy122 that's hilarious. Lol I'm sure the middle name will help to beef it up.

    @expectingmy2nd well then you're just as unsure as me! Lol

    @praying4our3rd well i don't know any jamies! Lol but i did think it could gp both ways

    @katiemcmillan12 really? Here in america its tossed all over th place!
  • I think both ways I have both boy an girl friends named jamie. An my cousins name is jamison but were called him jamie forever he likes it
  • OUCH! You ladies are bashing my name lol.. I personally like it ;) I also dated a boy named Jamie in HS.
    My nickname is Jay.
  • @jericka08 i had a very brief infatuation with the name jamison but my bf would never go for it so i had to jump off that cloud quick
  • Haha @jaime77 we are not! Lol. We just prefet it on guys that's all
    I've never met a girl named jaime before! Lol i was wondering if that would happen. He finds a nice girl to be with and her name be jaime. Haha. Classic
  • I heard on a morning show once the dj said all heathers are wh°*!s and all Jaime's are biotches. I roflmao! I don't know any other female with my name. In 1977 My mother was obsessed with the show bionic woman, her character's name was Jaime Summers. I'm obsessed with Buffy the vampire slayer but wld never name my kid that. Lol
  • I think boy.. but then again my first 'love' name was Jamie :)
  • @jaime77 lol that's funny!! At least you're named after something cool! Haha. Idk if i would want to b named after a vampire slayer though. Especially in these times! Might be crusified for that one!! Bc everyone just *loves* vampires nowadays!!
  • @soontohavethree see if i had a gender influence on it i think it would b easy but i don't know any jamies at all!! Except @jaime77 of course. Lol
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