Has the gender predictor worked for any of u?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
hi! :D I am 14 wks pregnant, n I want to find out wat im having but my bd doesnt want to know or find out. Ugh! I have a 2 yr old son so this time im hoping for a girl. I still have some of my sons baby things so if its a boy im kind of prepared. But if I have a girl I wont have anything pink or girly. So im not sure wat to do. So I did thr chinese gender predictor n it says im havong a girl, I dont want to get my hopes up but im lind of excoted. Has this gender predictor worked for any of u? Im srry this was kind of long.



  • I know it hasn't worked for a lot of people but it worked gor me. Every wivestale thing I did said girl and I'm 28 weeks along (tomorrow) with a girl
  • It worked for me! Good luck!
  • It worked for me!
  • It worked for me also!
  • I hope it works I've done one and all the old wives tales and they've all said girl, so fingers crossed!
  • it worked for me for both of my kiddos :] i tried every single old wives tale there is for this baby...intellegender sucked and was wrong but i did the pee in a lil bleach, the penny on the wall, the string test and the cabbage one and they all said girl! and im having a girl :] which i was shocked about lol i have an 18 month old son so i just thought id have another boy but was secretly hoping for a girl lol anyway my mil always went by this...if your first born says mama first your next child will be a girl and if your child says dada first your next will be a boy my son said mama first and im having a girl but all 3 of her boys said dada first and she has all boys after the 3rd one saying dada first she said NO MORE BOYS and had no more haha neway good luck hun i hope u get ur girl :]
  • It Worked For Me Too (; All The Tests Said Boy, Except For The Cabbage Test!
  • I did the chinese gender predictor and it said I was having a boy.... But according to the us I had thurs I am having girl lol. I would take those things with a grain of salt.
  • It Worked For Me ChineseGender && Intelligender
  • It worked for me! :) All the wives tales were right too!
  • It worked for me! As did the Chinese gender.. red cabbage. And all the other ones online.
  • I just tried to do this and one said girl one said boy what is the best one to try?
  • Didn't for work me said girl but I'm having a boy :)
  • Chinese predictions say girl and intelligender says boy..ultrasound says girl!! I have two boys and really wanted a girl. I counted ovulation cycle and only did it on certain days, was supposed to have girl days and boy days...it worked yay.
  • I took the intelligender and it was wrong the chinese calander was right
  • what is the cabbage test?
  • @thirdtimesacharm @vlynn15 @mommy2now3 @new_mamma @excitedforoctober @mommyytobe @stillsuprised @camommy
    WoW! A lot of you r having girls.

    @landynplus1momma thanks I hopes so too

    @cgm1113 wat is the cabbage test?
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  • All mine and my best friends right . A lot of ppl do it wrong. You have to use your lunar age when you conceived (which us really hard to know unless you had infetro).
  • Mine did worked last time, but I don't think it did this time. It says boy, but my dr was pretty sure today it's a girl. I find out for sure on the 7th!
  • @mommabee13 I used my lunar age and everything. The website had a converter thing that u put in ur birthday n the month u conceived n it tells u the lunar stuff, n all I had to do was look at the chart. Idk tho I still dont trust it.
  • it worked for me at 14 weeks. if u give me ur bday with month day n yr n conception I can predict ur babys gender
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  • Yeah I used the one that converts your lunar age and you check the chart. It said girl and I have a feeling it's a girl, find out in two and a half weeks! I guess we will see! :)
  • Well it has a 50/50 chance of being right lol
  • I took a few gender predictors from different baby websites and the chinese gender predictor and they all said girl. The ultrasound I had a couple weeks ago told us she's a she! So maybe take a bunch and take the majority vote lol
  • @Angel452 I'm having a boy! lol
  • @mrsthompson34 my birthday is april 4 1992, n I conceived in 2011.

    @excitedforoctober my bad. LoL

    @misspreggers6989 all of the websites I went to said its a girl except for 1. I hope your rite. :D
  • I hope it dont work for me lol it keeps saying boy but I want a girl
  • Mine was wrong said a boy and mine is definitely all girl!
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