If I ran the doctor's office....

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
-They would have snacks for you while you waited for an hour.

-...actually...you wouldn't wait for an hour!! ;) but if you had to for some reason...you would be having a fantastic pedicure/foot massage for the horrible inconvenience they are causing you.

-After they took your blood they would wrap your arm comfortably, rather than cutting off all circulation to the rest of your arm.

So ladies, let's hear your biggest pet peeves about the doctor's office!! :)


  • The receptionist and nurses would be nice!
  • THat the doctors would take more then 2 minutes evaluating me rather than seeing ever girl n town in one day!
  • I would change how patients are scheduled, no doubling booking times if you cant keep up. So people who have an appt don't have to wait.
  • I really like the snack idea. Everytime i go I'm usually getting lunch after but I'm really hungry while I'm there. It would be nice to have a snack: )
  • I would have the nurses or Dr call you back in a timely manner. Not 4 hours later. I would also not let them make you feel stupid it you had questions.
  • Have a separate waiting room for all the sick people and people who bring their entire families so my hubby and I can't sit. They can wait with the sick people lol
  • I agree with all of the above. Lol
  • They wouldn't talk to you like your 12.

    there wouldn't be a no food or drink sign where pregos are
  • I think people showing obvious signs of illness should have a separate waiting area so as not to infect those of us who are healthy. Also, comfortable chairs in the waiting room, like recliners, so pregnant women with swollen feet can sit propped up while we wait 3 hours to be seen. Those should also be in the exam rooms while we wait another 3 hours for the OB to come in!
  • Lol! This all reminds me why I'm so glad I see a private practice midwife! Half the time she comes to me and I don't have to even leave the house! When I go to her she always makes tea and we sit and talk for an hour. :)
  • Id listen ,and not be some damn know it all and think everone is the same... I really hate my doctor he doesnt listen and always says the same thing,,, one day im going to flip out on him and it will prob be tomorrow!!!!!
  • @camommy I so agree with that! They can make me feel real dumb sometimes!
  • I would give pregnant women ultrasounds any time they want!
  • No unnecessary shots or tests unless they are requested. I failed my glucose test by 1 point, and they're making me take the three hour test! Got to take all my kids to sit in waiting room half a day! Im peeved!
  • I'd make it so that unless there's a Damn good reason you can't book an appointment more than 48 hours in advance. I normally can't get an appointment for 2 weeks by which time whatever the problem was has gone or is so much worse.
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