could it have been my plug?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I went pee last night I felt something come out I looked and it was this 3in long skinney thick white mucous looking thing not sure what it was thought it could be part of plug but I always heard it was yellow or brown not white by the way I'm 30 weeks


  • It could have been!! Im not sure tho
  • its possible. If you're not squeamish (spelling?) There are pictures online of plugs they vary in color from white to cream/yellow brownish or slightly bloody
  • My mil & I were talking about this the other day... She said hers was white so sounds like it :)
  • edited May 2011
    Does this mean I'm close to labor? @nikki2690
  • Mm I think everyone is different it could be weeks or days..
  • @camommy I looked up pics and some of them looked just like mine so it must have been my plug
  • edited May 2011
    .I had more come out tonight so definitely is my plug just nervous I'm only 30 weeks and am having very small contractions here and there and braxton hicks all day long
  • Call your Dr cuz since your early and if u go into labor they might be able to stop it or give u steroids for baby's lungs
  • Call your dr hun good luck
  • They might have you go in to be checked since you are so early. But I've heard some people go a few days after the lose it some go a few weeks.
  • edited May 2011
    It sounds like it. You shouldn't worry though, your mucus plug can and does regenerate itself all throughout pregnancy if your body isn't ready for labor. If you are having cramps and contractions you should call labor and delivery or your doctor to get everything checked out just to be sure, but losing your mucus plug does not mean you will be in labor soon, as it regenerates itself hun. :) good luck and keep us updated!
  • I lost mine at 30 weeks with my first and had contractions alot and they stopped me and had her at 37 weeks
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