25 week movement

So I'm 25 weeks & we can finally see her roll & move around!! ((: been feeling kicks for about a month now but now we can deff see her whens she's moving!!((: I was just wondering when all of you started noticing this?? ((: this is my first by the way.


  • I was 18wks when I felt him move, now im 24wks n im layin down now n I see my tummy moving, so awesome :)
  • It really is. Try playing music on your phone and put it on your belly...she kicks so hard my whole belly jerks.((:
  • I think I was about 26w its kinda cool jus different
  • YES deff different!! Haha but sooo amazing at the same time!<3
  • I was 20 weeks when I felt my little guy, and saw from the outside! He is very active!
  • I started feeling her move at 20 weeks I'm about 22 weeks now and don't see her from the outside but I'm hoping for the best I'm overweight so it probably won't be for a while but when I was pregnant with my son it was like 20 weeks for both I was allot smaller back then
  • I started feeling baby at 15 weeks..daddy came into the quiet car talking loudly about work and baby jumped to my right side and kicked me :) now im 17 weeks (tomorrow) and feel it a lot more... :) first baby but everyone says I was tiny before so maybe thats why.. :)
  • @Jenna218xx wow that is awesome!((: @momof22be atleast you don't have that much longer!((; @moodymommie that is extremely early so feel lucky!! I didn't feel much of anything till about 22 weeks. But now I'm almost 26 weeks & I constantly feel her!!((:
  • Ill be 25 weeks wens an I seen my tummy bounce for the first time on mothers day!!! It was amazing
  • It is really amazing but who else thinks it feels extremely weird when they're rolling around in there???
  • I've been feeling him a lot lately I'm 22w 5d .. I can't wait to see my baby from the out side! Sadly my baby is already a daddy's boy :( he kicks all the time for him!!! Not me tho :/ .. I'm jealous!
  • im 26w n.i can too.!!! I love it !!!
  • I started seeing it at 18 weeks which is also when I could tell for sure what I was feeling was baby and not gas.
  • I seen lil kicks on the outside at about 20 weeks but I'm talking about full on rolls and punches...and when they ball up one side!!((:
  • Felt my boy @ 16 and I seen him since yesterday at 24wks its a wierd feelin but I like it its my first :)
  • About 20 weeks
  • I was about 20 weeks whn I saw him move on theoutside my bf got to feel her aroun then too
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