I want my outtie!!! When did yours pop?!

:/ its almost there but its still an innie! I had a piercing but took it out now its stretching too (sigh) its all worth it:) but I still want an outtie lol im 19 wks :) so hopefully soon:)! when did yours pop!


  • Mine never popped lol. With my son, baby #2, it almost did though. I had a weird half lip lookin thing haha
  • *tears*
    tak mine...
    21wks, I dnt lik this. it caused me to remove my bellyring ! after I boastfully stated no matter wat, I wud not remove it
  • Mine just did like 2 weeks ago, I'm 23 weeks with my third....
  • Mine didn't with my first so I don't think it will this time either.
  • Baby#1 never popped baby#2 about 30 weeks
  • Mines never popped out... this is my 2nd pregnancy I'm 39w & nothing.. I got my belly button pierced 2years after I had my daughter n now it looks like I have two belly buttons LOL
  • Aww:)! im scared mine might go flat:/ not cool to have a flattie lol I want my snooze button I heard it hurts too :/
  • Not everyone gets an outtie. No offense, but it kinda depends on how much your belly needs to stretch. If you already have a lot of extra somethin somethin in that region then your belly skin won't be stretching enough to need an outtie.
  • @mami_of1_n1ontheway aw:)! I took my belly ring out my mom freaked everytime with it so to make her feel better :/ I want to re pierce it though :)
  • Im. 34.4 weeks and mine jus went flat :( I also have both top and bottom periced and I have lil stretch marks cuz of it :( but thank god those r the only stretch marks I have, none on my belly, and this is my first
  • @lhanafi I was thin before I got prego :) I was 110lbs and im only 4' 11" lol so mine might:) im exited though:)
  • Mine didn't pop with either of my first 2
  • LOL! Mee toooo!! I took mines out when I was like 6months my mom and everybody was like "that looks like it hurts"etc it didn't I really didn't wanna take it out until it started feeling uncomfortable but o'well I took it out.. I miss it (sad face :-( ) I don't think I'm going to re pierce mines because I got a couple stretch marks *tears* Lol
  • @mzmommy1st I dont have stretch marks except a few on my girls:/ (sorry tmi) lol its my first too so im pretty freaked out about everything haha:)
  • Oh ya, then if you're gaining the mess of weight that I am, you'll definitely get your outtie soon here. I was 5 ft, 100 lbs and now I weigh 135 at 38 weeks! I dont remember when I got mine though. I like to call it my turkey timer :-) it means he's ready!
  • Mine never popped with my first and I don't think it will this time either but I always wanted it to. :(
  • @FiirstTiimeMommy2b I take it day by day, I'm nervous cuz I live 3 states away from family and I'm only 19. So ill be going through the birth alone with no family help. But I'm super excited, it seems like noone here that has posted has an outtie, gues its really not common
  • Never and im on baby 3
  • mine didn't pop with my first it looks like it wants to come out this time around I hope not. outties freak me out!!! lol
  • my belly is so stretched its rediculous n some how it sticks out a little I posted a pic on fb n my mum said it looked like a nipple lol
  • H@mzmomy1st I just turned 20:)! Like a week ago lol how far along are you?! @lhanafi aw:) good way to put it! :) @blessed1508 lol I think their cute:) but I hope mine isnt like freakishly weird haha (if I get one)... @mami_of1_n1ontheway lol my mom was just always against it but after she found out I was prego she freaked about it haha mine felt fine though and If I get stretch marks then eww no I dont think ill get it redone:)
  • I'm 28 weeks n mine still hasn't I had my belly button pierced too its also stretching a bit I took mine out at 26 weeks I'm totally fine if it decides to stay an inny lol
  • @mommakk88 I just want to experiebce an outtie lol but Im thinking an innie isnt that bad:)
  • Mines hasn't yet I'm 29w today thought it would have been popped out but not yet I too had my belly pierced but if I wanted it n I still could have it
  • @fiirsttiimemommy2be lol I hear ya I'm kinda the same but Idk they kinda weird me out lol but it wouldn't be bad I guess
  • Im almost 23 weeks and its partially coming out lol. I don't know how to describe it but my belly button deff doesn't go in as far as it did...im sure it will be an outie sometime soon...
  • I'm 26w.. n mine kinda juss looks flat? or squished?? haha.. I have a major innie too.. I want it to pop.if not den whatever..it seems like its closing up.though.. slowly!!
  • Im 22 weeks and its nearly there!!!!! my fiancee keeps giggling at it says its cute :/ lol
  • Im 37w+2d and mine still hasnt popped lol. But i had a really deep innie.
  • @FiirstTiimeMommy2b I went 41 weeks and a day with my son and mine never popped. It was still a cute tummy though!
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