7 days till due date and no signs of her coming !

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
ive got 7 days left and ive had no signs what so eva. i just want some pain now, i hate waiting around for something to happen. ive been getting quite strong braxton hicks but thats it, no 'show' she hadnt even dropped at my last appointment last week. im so ready for my girl to be born. ive got my next appointment next week when im at term and if she still isnt here by then my midwife said she is gunna look into doing a 'stretch & sweep' has anyone had one of these before? do they hurt? ive not had any examinations yet so i havnt a clue if anything has started down there. she is very active and really hurts when shes wriggling about. my bd's family has a history of big babies so im hoping she will fit thru my pelvis as im only small. i hope she comes soon as i dont want to be induced as ive heard so many bad reports from being induced, more pain ect. any advice would be much appreciated, its my first pregnancy and i cant take it much longer :-(


  • I'm due a week from today too! I've been having tons of braxton Hicks but no real contractions, I don't know if I'm dialated, I'll find out tomorrow. My baby has dropped a lot though, she's super low now.
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  • thanx for the info HomeBirthAdvocate, i was really concerned about what they were gunna put up there. maybe its worth having then if shes not come by then.
    good luck for tomorrow hiannaaa i hope u hav dialated abit.
  • Thanks :) good luck to you too, I hope you don't have to wait much longer for your baby!
  • I have 12 days left until my due date. I wish I can get induced tomorrow. It would be great timing. Cause I want this son birthday to be far as possible away from my other son which birthday is on the 29th of May.
  • I'm due in a week to and I'm exactly the same. And now I'm on bed rest becsuse I'm all swollen and have high BP. So might end up in hospital Friday if nothing changes :-(
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