Is it really thay bad to eat coldcuts?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
I really want a ham sandwich with cheese n lettuce. With some chips. Is it really that bad to eat it?? Please let me know I want some lunch.. LoL


  • Just zap the ham in the microwave...
  • Ya my doc said to just heat the lunch meat to steaming, just to be sure...I know a lot of ladies eat their cold cuts with out warming them...but Like I said just warm them to be sure..
  • My dr said once in a while was fine but always ask ur dr they will tell u. i called mine and left a message for her to call me about it
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  • My doctor told me to only eat it right after I open the package, and then let my husband eat the rest.
  • I love sandwiches and eat cold cuts all the time as I did with my first for me nothing ever came of it oh ya and I drink pepsi on a regular basis ;)
  • I say, our moms, their moms & so on did... so I dnt see why we couldn't, I can understand runny eggs or bloody steak... but our parents & theirs ate lunch meat & hot dogs & cold peperonies.. ect.
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  • I eat jimmy johns all the time!! @mama_kat
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  • My dr said it is fine. She said the risk for bacteria is so low it's not worth the worry. She is preggo and eats it all the time ice cold, that made me happy cause I don't like hot lunch meat lol.
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  • I eat cold cuts all the time.... And have with all four of my children. Guess what? They are all alive and healthy
  • @mama_kat i get the beach club with no tomato no sprouts! Mmm delish!! But lately i have wanted sprouts just can't bring myself to it!
  • I ate them my whole pregnancy. I was on Bedrest in labor and delivery floor for over a month. The hospital served me sandwichs and chef salads all the time.
  • I eat them all the time lol im eating a turkey sandwhich now.
  • My dr said you're more likely to get in a car accident than to get listeria from lunch meat :> So go eat that sandwich!
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  • I don't think so, my aunts and mother all were never told anything about them when they were pregnant and everyone s babies were perfectly healthy, I eat it all the time and I don't heat it because the thought of that sickens me, but if your worried just heat it uuuup before you eat it! :)
  • @lmelanson mmm i used to eat all of them when i worked there! The vito was bomb!!
  • I'm totally wanting a samitch now.. thnx ppl lol. But yah...u should be ok.. go eat preggo!!! Enjoy! Lol
  • I always eat lunch meat the chance of getting sick is very slim
  • I just had a footlong cold cut from subway...WITH MAYO! U shud b fine
  • I eat subway every few weeks. I loveee cold cuts.
  • I eat subway and make sandwiches at home all the time...I have mine toasted at subway because I like it that way...but when I make my own I just eat it. my mom says that's ridiculous and has never heard that lunch meat was bad LOL...needless to say I'm a picky eater anyway but always a turkey sandwich kinda girl LOL
  • I ate a cold sandwhich earlier...I know I wan't suppose to but I was hungry
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