Dancing while preggo

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My sister said you cant dance like u dance while u preggo i said yes i can i put my ipod on n dance while clean is it bad?


  • As long as you're not supposed to be on bed rest or have any conditions where moving may be harmful.

    Just start off at a slower pace and make sure you stretch more, don't do any moves like flips or quick jerky turns that might upset your center of gravity. Seeing as you do it while cleaning I doubt your doing those moves anyway.

    But go for it, it is great excercise!
  • Lol I wouldn't suggest doing high kicks, or break dancing. I say ask your doc then go for it! My old fashion family said the same.
  • Lol I start slow just movin my hips jamming to r&b or Spanish musik lol
  • Lol yeah I still break it down i cut off d clubs so all I got is my iPod lol
  • I love to play music and dance... my mom said it's good exercise. ^:)^
  • Yes I know my friend clubbed till her 7th month smh I rather b at home chyllin. @sweetmama yea me2 since I was small loved music n my baby prolly b d same lol
  • Girl i.would.go to small club were older people was jus to dance i like older bars not to much youngstas n drama out there... my doc.said it was a good exercise i was lil while pregnant now my lil one jams out to spm n all of da rap n she dances bobs her head its to cute she trys n sing she now 1yrs old..but with this pregnancy i havent went know where im to lazy but i dance to music at home..lol
  • @babyluv_3 ive been lazy only thing i do is work sleep n eat lol
  • edited February 2011
    I was just wondering this same thing about dancing because I have a kinect and love the dancing game on there, imo, its not that crazy but it does get my heartrate up and all sweaty then tires me out lol is that bad? Or is it okay to exercise like that?
  • It's great exercise just don't drop it too low...lol
  • @newmommy_navywife lmfao! I got a mental picture of a pregnant lady break dancing....can't stop laughing.
  • @mzgarcia_july_baby lol Yah I cracked myself up on that.
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