Has the gender predictor worked for any of u?



  • It Where Yu Boil A Red Cabbage For 10 Minutes, Take The Cabbage Out & Just Have The Water. Yu Get Yur First Morning Urine & Pour Equal Amounts In To The Water. Purple/Red Means Girl & Pink Means Boy!!
  • I Think Those Are The Colors, If Not Search Red Cabbage Test!
  • I took all the online gender tests and all said boy. I did the ring on a string and it said girl and was correct
  • concieved wat month n date
  • edited May 2011
    @mrsthompson34 conceived feb. 7 2011, n my birthday is 4/5/1992
  • All the old wives tale tests were right for me, the ring test and there's a chinese gender prediction chart that's supposed to be 90% accurate and it was right! Im having a girl! I already knew I was especially after they all said girl. I was so happy to know it wasn't all bs lom
  • @cgm1113 thanks. I might try it :D
  • @tinkergal lol. I hope its not all bs. congrats on ur bby girl!
  • is ur bday april 4th or 5th u put two differents days lol
  • ur having a baby boy, I knoe u were hoping for a girl but in this case I hope im wrong lol
  • @mrsthompson34 omg! I hope ur wrong too.. Lol
  • actually ur having a girl, I didnt put the yr right for ur bday... I had it on 85 not 92. but anyways goodluck n let me kno if im right. goooo team pink.
  • Lmao.. I was gunna go do a bunch of other test. Lol thanks. Ill let u know when I find out for sure.
  • thanks, I did the gender test, baking soda test n the birthday n conception test on me n it said girl for all n I am having a lil girl :) pink baby dust to u
  • Wat ...n how do u do all these test thingys....it worked for me for my son...n this time it says girl...so im hoping its true again :)
  • @mrsthompson34 I hope I caught all the pink dust lol:D
  • @jobabby2, wats ur bday with yr n conception
  • @jobabby2 u can look up all the different test n it will tell u exactly how to do them. I havent done a lot of them, but ive heard of... Cabagge test, baking soda test, bleach n pee test, n the ring on a string. I dont np how to do them tho. Google it.
  • I did the chinese gender test n string test n penny test all girl! N now im 31 weeks n few days n carrying a gurl :)
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