Hes drivin me crazy

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I dnt kno if its me bt my bf iz really gtin on mi nerves. He gts mad kuz.i have to go to the doctor everwk,.he.always says.i have an attitude, n his.family.continues to spoil him.. It gt iterating he.cant.function on his own kuz his.granny always takin up fa.him sumtimes well at this pont I jus wanna tell him to leave.. I cant take it am I being to harsh


  • na I think its normal.. n prob part hormones even though we dnt wan believe that.. mii bd gets me so frustrated n on mii nerves ever since pregg.. I juss hope it changes after bby.. agh.. I juss try to b patient n tell miself I'm a crazy preggo n thing r gun get better!
  • @naliibby2 I dnt wanna believe its hormones its jus that hes so childish n neva wnts to grow up.
  • I feel ya.. mines too.. xcept hr doesn't get spoiled...except bi me : / .. hes 24 n I wish he could grow up !!! but I feel that after bby he will..i hope.. or idk.if I could b with him... sad but tru.. some days I doubt him n our relationship.. I jus wann make it through this pregnancy.. I wann b with him cuz I love him at the end of day no matter how mad he makes me... well c after bby..
  • @naliibby2 yea I jus wanna gt thru it to bt in mi sistuation its toatlly different. C im 19 n hes 18 I bn on mi on for the longest. His family (grandmother) spoils him all his life he dnt kno wat it feels like to nt have sumin.. Im wrkin hes not, hes dependin his granny to hlp find a job n I guess raise mi baby (negative) to me I cn do it bi mi self.. Wen I tell him to luk fa a job he gts mad kuz he wanna wrk wit his granny... Its jus so much pple say he gne change wen the baby gt hur I think nt
  • hmm.. he doesn't live witt u right? babies do change ppl ... I would juss do me. n ignore that he gets mad that u go to the doc every week wtff is that!!?? weirdo!!! u know u dnt need hi.. he needs u.. so juss stay confident n do u n what's right for bby.. hopefully hell come along.. if not.. his loss!!!
  • @naliibby2 yea thats wat I will do jus do me and unfortunately he does stay wit me.. Thanxz for the convo I needed it
  • no prob :) && ya us women have a breaking point.. n I think urs is here n mines is very near!! b strong :) he can still b the bbys dad but now granny can take care of him.. u got enuff on ur hands..mayb it wil b a life lesson !! n hell grow up frm it
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