I have 12 wks left also. But I'm getting nervous bcuz its going so fast. I made my husband build the crib today. Mind you this is my third, you would think I'd be fine. But its my first girl and I feel lost.
Motherhood comes naturally. Surround yourself with other moms. Playdates and classes. I found that helpful. Patients and more patients. Don't be so hard on yourself. Take advice but always do what's best for your baby. Sometimes what worked for them may not work for you. Labor- I may not be the best person to ask. I had 2 csec and this one will also be a csec. I did push for my first but it didn't work. I do remember that I had to ask a nurse not to come back bcuz she was annoying. Talking about her business and very powerful perfume. You have to be as comfortable as possible so be assertive about your needs. Good Luck.