im 17 weeks today

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 17 weeks today and I haven't feel my baby kicking this is my 3rd baby. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow I hope everything its OK. I'm concerning because tree days ago I did feel my baby but since then I haven't. My problem its that I quick smoking when I find out I was pregnant but like a month and half I start smoking again its very hard for me stop and I really want to stop but I don't have any support from my boyfriend he don't really care about are baby. Please give me some advice


  • Drink some cold water and see if.that gets baby moving or eat.something sweet
  • Thank you I'm going to try that because I'm really concerning and sad:(
  • You might have an Anterior Placenta. I had the same problem. I'd feel her one day, but I wouldn't feel her for a few days. Now, at 26 weeks, the only way I feel her is if she kicks around the placenta, or if she kicks me in my bladder.
  • Hi how everything it's going so far with you mamy's?
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